Page 59 - Mesenchymal Stem cells, Exosomes and vitamins in the fight aginst COVID
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Rogers et al. J Transl Med          (2020) 18:203                                      Page 5 of 19

            animal models. Direct bacterial clearance by MSCs is   Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is involved in pulmo-
            mediated by LL-37 [3] by beta-defensin-2 via the toll-like   nary epithelial repair, as shown in a study in which BM-
            receptor 4 (TLR-4) signaling pathway [77] and lipocalin-2   MSCs modif ed to express KGF proved ef ective against
            [78]. MSCs have been shown to increase the phagocytic   bleomycin-induced pulmonary f brosis in a  murine
            activity of macrophages when reprograming them from   model [93–95]. Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)
            the pro-inf ammatory to an anti-inf ammatory pheno-  conditioned media, known to contain hepatocyte growth
            type [79, 80].                                    factor (HGF), attenuates f brosis and promotes alveolar
                                                              epithelium repair [96]. T e administration of UC-MSCs
                                                              has  also  been  shown  to  reduce  collagen  concentrations
            MSCs are anti‑viral                               in the lung and to inhibit the expression of transforming
            MSCs suppress viral replication, viral shedding and   growth factor-beta (TGF-β), interferon-gamma (IFN-
            virus-induced lung epithelial cell (LEC) damage [4].   γ), macrophage migratory inhibitory factor and tumor
            Khatri et al. [4] demonstrated that MSC-derived extracel-  necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in a murine model of bleo-
            lular vesicles (MSC-EVs) promote both anti-inf amma-  mycin-induced acute lung injury [97].
            tory and anti-viral properties via transfer of RNAs from
            EVs to LECs. In a porcine model of inf uenza viral pneu-  MSCs secrete molecules that are mitogenic
            monia, they showed that intratracheal administration of   and anti‑apoptotic
            MSC-EVs signif cantly reduced virus entry and replica-  MSCs exert an anti-apoptotic ef ect due to the secretion
            tion in LECs.                                     of bioactive factors, such as vascular endothelial growth
              Virus shedding in nasal swabs and virus titers in lung
            lysate were reduced by 100-fold in the MSC-EV treated   factor (VEGF), insulin growth factor (IGF), hepatocyte
                                                              growth factor (HGF), neurotrophin-3 and nerve growth
            group. Inf uenza virus induced LEC apoptosis and red   factor, as well as through mitochondrial and microvesi-
            blood cell hemagglutination were signif cantly reduced   cle transfer [98–101]. Lung injury is also ameliorated by
            by MSC-EVs as well.                               autophagy which may result from the MSC response to
              Inf uenza virus replication is further inhibited by MSC
            production  of  indoleamine  2,3-dioxygenase  (IDO)  [81]   oxidative stress, cytoprotection and phosphoinositide
                                                              3-kinase/protein kinase B (P13K/Akt) signaling pathway
            and LL37 by viral membrane degradation [82]. IDO has   [102–105].
            also been shown to suppress viral replication in hepatitis
            B, herpes simplex virus (HSV), cytomegalovirus (CMV)
            and measles virus [83–86]. Unregulated inf ammation   MSCs clear alveolar f uid from the lungs
            in inf uenza virus infection leads to extensive lung dam-  Alveolar type II (ATII) cells make up approximately 2–5%
            age. MSC-EVs are known to decrease production of pro-  of the alveolar surface area and have several important
            inf ammatory cytokines and chemokines and increase   functions. T ey produce surfactant and serve as pro-
            production of anti-inf ammatory IL-10 [4]. MSCs inter-  genitor cells for the alveolar epithelium. Alveolar f uid
            act with immune cells and promote T-regulatory cells   is driven by the movement of sodium and chloride ions
            (Tregs) which improves inf uenza virus clearance [87,   through epithelial transporters down an osmotic gradi-
            88]. MSC-EV inhibition of viral replication has also been   ent to exit the alveoli and maintain dry airspaces. Patients
            demonstrated in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected f bro-  with ARDS have impaired alveolar f uid clearance (AFC)
            blasts [89].                                      which is associated with higher morbidity and mortal-
                                                              ity [106]. Multiple studies conf rm that MSC interaction
                                                              with sodium and chloride ion channels enhances AFC
            MSCs inhibit lung f brosis and scar formation     and promotes the resolution of pulmonary edema [107].
            Fibroblast and myof broblast deposition are promoted   Loy et al. showed that MSCs improved AFC and alveo-
            during  epithelial  tissue  repair.  Increased  cellular  matrix   lar protein permeability (APP) in an Inf uenza A (H5N1)
            protein synthesis leads to low tissue compliance, lung   virus-associated acute lung injury. Interestingly, com-
            parenchymal scarring and long-term loss of function   bined hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and angiopoietin
            [90]. Neutrophil and macrophage recruitment in the   1(Ang-1) restored AFC and APP, but the combination
            lung activates prof brotic proteins which promote col-  was less ef ective than the MSCs alone [108].
            lagen release from f broblasts. Lung tissue obtained   Lee et al. studied the therapeutic capacity of human
            from patients with f brotic lung diseases contained an   BM-MSCs to restore alveolar epithelial f uid trans-
            enhanced  number  of  MSCs  [91].  Animal  models  have   port and lung f uid balance from acute lung injury in
            demonstrated the positive ef ects of MSCs when applied   an ex  vivo perfused human lung preparation injured
            early to ameliorate inf ammation and moderate f brotic   by  E. coli endotoxin. T ey showed reduced extravas-
            lung tissue remodeling [92].                      cular lung edema, improved lung endothelial barrier
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