Page 60 - Mesenchymal Stem cells, Exosomes and vitamins in the fight aginst COVID
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Rogers et al. J Transl Med          (2020) 18:203                                        Page 6 of 19

            permeability and restoration of alveolar f uid clearance.   MSCs produce extracellular vesicles
            T e ef ect was mediated in part by the secretion of KGF   Recent studies show that MSCs produce extracellular
            which helped restore sodium dependent alveolar f uid   vesicles (EVs) that can help ameliorate acute lung injury
            transport [109]. Using ex vivo lung perfusion in human   [117, 118]. EVs comprise exosomes, microvesicles (MVs)
            lungs that had been rejected for transplantation,   and apoptotic bodies. MVs form directly by budding from
            Genai and colleagues demonstrated that microvesicles   the cell membrane and are 100 nm to 1000 nm in size.
            derived from human BM-MSCs also increased alveolar   T ey are abundant in selectins, integrins, CD-40, phos-
            f uid clearance and improved airway and hemodynamic   phatidylserine and metalloproteinases. Apoptotic bodies
            parameters compared to perfusion alone [110]. Alveo-  are fragments of dying cells which form and are released
            lar f uid clearance is promoted by keratinocyte growth   in the extracellular space by plasma membrane budding
            factor (KGF) and KGF repair can be facilitated by MSC   during the apoptotic process. T ey are irregular in shape
            derived microvesicles that transfer mRNA [111, 112].  and are between 50 and 4000 nm in size. T ey are rich
              Fang et  al. performed a genome-wide exploratory   in DNA and histones [119]. Exosomes are vesicles of
            analysis of human alveolar type II cell gene expres-  20–100  nm  size  with  endosomal  origin.  T e  exosomes
            sion in response to stimulation with pro-inf ammatory   exist intracellularly within multivesicular bodies which
            cytokines in the presence or absence of human MSCs.   fuse with the cell membrane and then are released into
            T ey reported that stimulation of ATII cells with pro-  the extracellular space. EVs carry membrane proteins,
            inf ammatory cytokines increased expression of inf am-  cytosolic proteins, transcription factors, DNA, mRNA,
            matory genes and downregulated genes related to   rRNA, miRNA and various signal transduction mol-
            surfactant function and alveolar f uid clearance. In the   ecules.  T ey  are  rich  in  heat  shock  proteins,  annexins,
            presence of MSCs, ATII cells upregulated the genes   cytoskeletal proteins, signal transduction proteins and
            coding surfactant protein and downregulated genes   multivesicular body synthesis proteins. EVs allow inter-
            associated with apoptosis which has been linked to   cellular information exchange via dif erent mechanisms
            ARDS pathogenesis. T e MSCs also induced ATII cells   such as internalization, ligand-receptor interaction,
            to upregulate genes involved in extracellular matrix   secreted factors and fusion-mediated transfer of surface
            modif cation and other genes related to injury repair   receptors, to name a few. T us, the presence of EVs by
            [113].                                            themselves in health and disease may be detrimental or
              Xiang  et  al.  reported  the  therapeutic  potential  of   benef cial depending on the cell of origin, the cargo they
            human menstrual blood-derived MSCs to reduce      carry and the information they relay [74].
            lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury   Multiple groups  have found  a therapeutic  advantage
            (ALI) inf ammation in mice and promote damaged    of administration of MSC-derived MVs by inhalational
            repair of lung functions [114]. T ey showed that MSCs   or intravascular routes through dif erent mechanisms.
            not  only  improved  pulmonary  microvascular  perme-  Zhu et al. showed that intratracheal instillation of MSC-
            ability, but also decreased histopathological damage   derived MVs in Escherichia coli endotoxin-induced lung
            mediated through the downregulation of IL-1β and up-  injury reduced extracellular lung water, decreased pul-
            regulation of IL-10 expression in bronchoalveolar lavage   monary edema and lowered lung protein permeability.
            f uid (BALF). Additionally, MSCs improved the activity   MVs  were also shown to  reduce neutrophil  inf ux  and
            of BEAS-2B in human lung epithelial cells and inhibited   macrophage inf ammatory protein-2 levels in bronchoal-
            LPS induced cell apoptosis.                       veolar lavage f uid [111]. T e same group demonstrated
              Chan et al. compared the extent to which avian inf u-  that one of the therapeutic mechanism of MSCs in ALI is
            enza A/H5N1 virus and seasonal inf uenza A/H1N1   mediated through increased production of keratinocyte
            virus  impair  alveolar  f uid  clearance  and  protein  per-  growth factor (KGF) [109]. Pretreatment of MSCs with
            meability in an in  vitro murine model of acute lung   KGF siRNA partially eliminated the therapeutic ef ect of
            injury [115]. T e alveolar epithelium’s protein perme-  MSC-derived MVs. T ey concluded that this therapeu-
            ability and f uid clearance were dysregulated by soluble   tic ef ect is mediated by the transfer of KGF mRNA from
            immune mediators released after infection with avian (A/  MVs to the alveolar epithelium [111].
            Hong Kong/483/97, H5N1) but not seasonal (A/Hong    MVs derived from human MSCs administered to mice
            Kong/54/98, H1N1) inf uenza virus. T ey demonstrated   injured with bacterial pneumonia decreased the inf ux
            that these ef ects were prevented or reduced by the infu-  of inf ammatory cells, cytokines,  protein and bacte-
            sion of MSCs, which improved survival. Finally, the   ria. CD44 receptors mediated the uptake of MVs which
            secretion of angiopoietin-1 by MSCs has been shown to   is essential for the therapeutic ef ects of MVs [112].
            reduce lung protein permeability which acts to stabilize   Park  et  al.  tested  the  therapeutic  ef ects  of  MVs  in  an
            endothelial cells [113, 116].                     ex vivo perfused human model of bacterial pneumonia.
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