Page 96 - Mesenchymal Stem cells, Exosomes and vitamins in the fight aginst COVID
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Intravascular Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Treat Organ Failure and Possible Application in COVID-19

                          Improvement of NIHSS, Barthel index, and   modified Rankin score.  Improvement in modified Rankin score Improvement of NIHSS scores, correlation of  lesion volume and NIHSS score.  modified Rankin score. No change in infarct   Modified Barthel index improved only at 8  weeks but not at 24 weeks. No change in FM,  Ashworth, and MRC scores. Improvement in modified Rankin score seen   Improvement of NIHSS scores in both high-   between the groups.  or modified

                     Findings          No improvement in NIHSS, Barthel index, and   only in ischemic stroke but not in hemorrhagic   No improvement in NIHSS and Barthel index.  and low-dose groups. No significant difference   No change in global stroke recovery or NIHSS

                    Follow-  Up  1 year  118   weeks  1 year  1 year  volume.  24 weeks  6 months  stroke.  1 year  120 days  1 year  6 months  6 and 12   months  scale scores.  1 year  60 weeks  6 months  function.  6 months

                     Outcome  Yes  Yes  Yes  No  No  Yes   No   Yes    No    Yes   Yes   No   Yes  No    Yes

                     Delivery  IV  IV  IV  IV  IV    IA   (MCA)  IV  IV  IV  IA MCA  IV  Carotid   IA  IV  IA  IA

                     Type of SC  Auto BM MSC  Auto BM MSC  Auto BM MSC   (Pas 3 or less)  BM MNC  Auto BM MNC   or BM MSC   (Pas 4)  UC MSC  BM MNC  BM MNC  Multipotent   progenitor cells  BM MNC  Allo BM MSC   (Pas 4)  BMSC  BM MSC (Pas   4)  BM MNC  BM MNC PCT, prospective controlled trial; NA, not applicable; BM MSC, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell; BM MNC, bone marrow mononuclear cells; UC MSC, umbilical cord mesenchymal  stem cell; SC, stem cell; BMSC, bone marrow stem cell; M

                    Number   of SC  100 million  100million  60–160   million  85 million  50–60   million  20 million  280 million  250 and 340   million  400 and   1200   million cells  930 million  0.5, 1, and   1.5 million/  kg  3 million  14–84   million  159 million  2.2 million

                    BMA   (mL)  5  5  30–73  115  40–50  NA  108  25 and   50  NA  118  NA  150  29  50  50

                   Number of   Patients in   Treatment  30  52  12  11  20  4  58  12  126  20  36  100  9  10  20

                 Table 4. MSC therapy studies treating stroke.  Type of   Year  Author  study  Bang et al, Ann Neurol   RCT  2005  Lee et al, Stem Cells   RCT  2010  Honmou et al, Brain   Case series  2011 2011; 134:1790-1807  Case series  2012  PCT  2013  2013; 115:1003-1008  Case series  2013  RCT  2014  Case series  2015  RCT  2017  RCT  2018  Levy et al, Stroke 2019;   PCT  2019  Savitz et al, Circulation   RCT   2019  RCT  2017  Moniche et al, Stroke   PCT  2012  Case series  20

                                2010; 28:1099-1106
                           2005; 57:874-882

        Prasad et al, Indian   J Med Res 2012;   136:221-228  Bashin et al, Clin   Neurol Neurosurg   Jiang et al, Cell   Transplant 2013;   22:2291-2298  Prasad et al, Stroke   2014; 45:3618-3624  Taguchi et al, Stem   Cells Dev 2015;   24:2207-2218  Hess et al, Lancet   Neurol 2017;   16:360-368  Bhatia et al, Am J   Neuroradiol 2018;   39:899-904  50:2835-2841  2019; 139:192-205  Tsang et al, World   J Stem Cells 2017;   9:133-143  2012; 43:22
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