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P. 7

         The 30 Annual


         By Barb Robles
         The 30th Annual Hot Wheels Convention was held
         in beautiful sunny Los Angeles, Ca. from October
         5th-9th, 2016.  Our host hotel was the LAX Marriott.
         Special thanks to the Marriott’s management and
         great staff as they did another fantastic job!  We had
         an amazing experience!  We spent time with members
         of our Hot Wheels family, participated in some really
         fun events and collected a few treasures….well, actual-
         ly quite a lot of them!
         I have to say….this is the first time I recall ever sharing
         the hotel with such an unusual entity.   Everywhere…
         all around us…were kids of all ages on their electronic
         devices trying and succeeding to capture those elusive
         Pokémon.  Crazy as it seems, I’m told that Pokémon
         were almost as plentiful as Hot Wheels® in the hotel!
         Even though Pokémon Go was sweeping the nation
         then, for 5 short days it took a back seat to our own
         kind of Hot Wheels convention fun!   What I noticed
         was that Pokémon Go players seem to be pretty much   One of the most anticipated events happened   his wife Bonnie’s last convention on staff.  I know
         the same as Hot Wheels collectors…passionate, driv-  Thursday evening where the love of Hot Wheels   that this was a difficult decision for them, as
         en, focused and somewhat obsessive!   Both can do   was ever present!  Ticketed enthusiasts gathered   they truly loved being a part of your convention
         a fair amount of walking while they hunt….for the Hot   for a dinner honoring Ryu Asada’s achievements   experience!  Rick has mentioned time and time
         Wheels collectors, we buy sell and trade or catch into   and tenure with Mattel.   Congratulations and   again that meeting you, the collector, and the
         the wee hours of the morning, roaming the hotel halls   THANK YOU to Ryu who celebrated 12 years   relationships made were so important to him.
         hunting and socializing!  In the game, the objective is   contributing his amazing talents to the brand   Rick and Bonnie will now be enjoying more time
         to catch them all.  Well….isn’t that what we do as Hot   we all love!  We appreciate what you do for the   with family.  We hope one day that they will
         Wheels collectors?  We hunt until we find that spe-  hobby!!   What a great night!  Ryu treated us   attend a convention in the future and catch up
         cial car or a Hot Wheels treasure!  From the opening   into a glimpse of his life with an entertaining   with all of us, their Hot Wheels family!  We want
         reception, where a few lucky winners grabbed the first   presentation.  We also enjoyed a great dinner   to thank Rick and Bonnie for their service, their
         convention code 3’s, to the finale, where the question-  prepared by the Marriott staff.  With a paid   time, dedication and passion!  You are loved
         naire drawings provided the final opportunities plus   dinner ticket, we received fun collectible items   and will be greatly missed!
         the many stops in between….convention goers did   at the door!  One of the most sought after items   The exclamation point at the end of the evening
         their best to catch them all!  How did you do?    was the dinner car, a limited stickered yellow   is always the much anticipated announcement
                                                      Honda S2000.   This is a replica of Ryu’s own ve-  of where we will see each other again.  We are
                                                      hicle.  Dinner guests were very excited to have   going somewhere we have not been before for
              HERE’S JUST A PARTIAL SCORECARD!        the opportunity to purchase additional unstick-  the 17th Annual Collectors Nationals and that is
                                                      ered vehicles at the end of the evening.  Sales   super exciting!  Please join us April 5-9th, 2017
          •   Souvenir Sales #1 - Thunder Roller - 1:2600   were brisk as all the unstickered cars were sold   in the city of Pittsburg, Pa!  This will be a great
              -Red, White and Blue                    out by the conclusion of the event!  Guests also   time!  We will be back at the LAX Marriott in
          •   Souvenir Sales #2 - ’67 Camaro - 1:2600    received a beautiful Code 3 ’70 Challenger in   October of 2017 for the 31st Annual Hot Wheels
              - Spectraflame Gold                     Lime Green.  At the end of the evening all in the   Convention!  Please look for communications
          •   Souvenir Sales #3 - Texas Drive ‘Em - 1:2600   room had the opportunity to win fun alternate   and updates on the Collectors Events Unlimited
              - Spectraflame Black/White              colors of this casting!  The T-shirt, artwork and   Facebook page or in the Newsletter.  Mark your
          •   Souvenir Sales #4 - ‘69 Ford Mustang - 1:1400   pin were also amazing catches for the evening!    calendars…hope you can join us!
              - Metalflake Red                        I would encourage anyone to put this on their
          •   Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Los Angeles   “must do” list for future conventions!  The rec-  (Contiuned on page 8)
              Charity Car - School Busted -1:500 - Spectra   ognition dinner is always a great time!
              Frost Satin Pink
          •   Dinner Car Stickered - Honda S2000      After the week wound down, the much antici-
              - 1:2000 - Yellow                       pated finale was upon us!  There were awards
          •   Dinner Car Unstickered - Honda S2000    to be given away….raffles to be drawn…..and a
              - 1:1500 - Yellow                       great program to look forward to.  Robert from
          •   RLC Party Car - Datsun 240Z - Spectraflame Pink   Mattel presented an awesome slide show!  He
                                                      started by addressing the proverbial elephant
                                                      in the room.  He assured all in attendance that
             PLUS THE MANY MORE GREAT CODE 3’S        Mattel was as frustrated as we all are and hears
                  DURING THE CONVENTION!              our concerns regarding the Hot
          DON’T LET THESE PIECES OF DIE CAST HISTORY   site.  He communicated that Mattel wants the
                SLIP THROUGH YOUR FINGERS!            site to function as a useful tool and that they
                     CATCH THEM ALL!!                 are working on fixes daily.  He also thanked
         As always, Mark and Jennifer Millhollin led their team   us for our patience!  We then saw some fun
         through many of the time tested and much loved   sneak peeks into what we can hunt for next!
         events.  Our events functioned like Pokestops, each a   There was also an active Q & A that all looked
         place to energize their Hot Wheels passion and maybe   forward to!  Thanks to Mattel for taking this
         catch a convention treasure!  We witnessed lots of   proactive approach!!  We enjoyed the presen-
         smiles and happy faces creating many happy mem-  tation!
         ories!  Please make sure you read you read further
         on in this newsletter for the fun details of these great   During the finale, our Master of Ceremonies,
         events!                                      Rick Tippe, commanded everyone’s attention
                                                      when he announced that this would be he and
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