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The 30th Annual Hot Wheels Convention (Cont’d)  auction. Let’s also offer a thank you to the Newslet-  this is quite obvious through your kind dona-  Convention Mania contributed $1,800.00 to our
            ter for the low run alternate color Newsletter cars   tions. Many of us don’t contribute because we   donation total.
            and to Lexmark for its ongoing donations. Thanks   think our donation may be insignificant so let’s
            to all of the collectors and clubs for your most   try to ramp up our total contributions by being   No event can be successful without participants
            welcomed donations that we as staff have become   creative as well as investigative. Many of our   and with your help and generosity this year’s event
            accustomed to seeing, such as quilts, blown glass,   donations are non-Hot Wheels related such as   is now part of our history of giving. This speaks
            wine holders and a host of other custom creations.   quilts, mail boxes, hand blown glass items, dis-  to all of you and what you are made of and why
            A special thanks to Mike and Diane Strauss for   play cases and custom made items to mention   these events are so successful. We are a commu-
            the abundant donations that made up at least ten   a few. Here are some suggestions: Check with   nity of collectors that help one another and I am
            of our auction lots. Last but not least a big thank   your employers to see if they have a corporate   very proud to be part of your group. Your dedica-
            you to Larry Wood for his time and effort and for   gifting program. Many do and will share with   tion and support generated a combined total of
            donating a spectacular creation from his personal   product or gift certificates. If you belong to a   $81,085.00 from all charity events. Thanks to you
            collection. All of you are what makes these events   club donate an extra club car, ROAKS, or have   all. See you at the next one!
            happen and continue to be successful! A big thank   some of your “crafters” do a one of a kind cus-
            you also goes out to our designers, not only for   tom or display case. Consider artwork, signage,   I would also like to thank the Charity staff for all of
            their time and presence but also for their gracious   and wood working items as well. We will do our   their hard work and long hours that they dedicated
            artwork and signatures that make these auction   best to give you (especially if it is a stand-alone   to make this event a success. Barb, Dave and, Jon-
            donations so unique and coveted.     item) or your group the proper acknowledge-  athan Robles, Jerry Rousselle, and Marsha DiAngi
                                                 ment when the item is auctioned.    were all invaluable to the success of the charity
            Once the bidding began at the Charity Auction it                         fund raising events.
            became no holds barred on some of the items.   In    We tried a new guess how many wheels are in
            fact some of the items brought a hush to the crowd   the mason jar game. This guessing game added    Let’s all extend a big and well earned thank you to
            as the bidders continued to outbid one another   $375.00 to the total. The winner was announced   Collectors Events Unlimited LLC Mark & Jennifer
            and the dollar values climbed to record highs.   at the Grand Finale and won all four of the code 3   Millhollin for their year-long efforts and hard work
            The Corvette C7 ZO6 FEP by Ryu Asada brought   Volkswagen Bus models from this year’s Conven-  to make these events a reality. Without them these
            in $2,600.00 and right behind was the Corvette   tion including the laser etched 1 of 30.  events would not happen. And to Mike and Diane
            Racer FEP by Mark Jones at $2,500.00 those were                          Strauss for their continued support and foresight to
            exciting moments and I would like to extend a big   Check this issue for reports on our other three   create a venue for us collectors to gather and share
            thank you on behalf of the charity for your over-  events where they are recapped and our hard   the hobby.
            whelming participation and donations.   working charity staff is acknowledged; Charity
            Please consider this: We as collectors are proud   Button Bingo contributed $14,800.00, the Charity
            to share and contribute to those in need and   Poker Tournament contributed $2,700.00 and

                                                                                     cars. The alternate color Volkswagen Beetles came
                                                                                     in: yellow, spectra flame pink, antifreeze, metallic
                                                                                     green and bronze and the Volkswagen Drag Bus
                                                                                     models were either a red T1 Drag Bus or a chrome
                                                                                     Volkswagen Drag Bus. Every game winner won
                                                                                     at least another three cars! Needless to say there
                                                                                     were a lot of agonizing moments until the lucky
                                                                                     winner or winners as was the case this year (multi-
                                                                                     ple winners per game) yelled “BINGO” and came
                                                                                     up for their special prizes! Just for the record each
                                                                                     game 12 winner received more than the three cars
                                                                                     for their win. How many you might ask? The answer
                                                                                     is “play and see….remember anything can happen
                                                                                     in Button Bingo!  All I can say is what a haul! Wow!
                                                                                     It doesn’t get any better than that! It was a plea-
                      30th ANNUAL COLLECTORS                                         sure playing with both groups and as usual I had a
                                                                                     great time being with you and giving as well as re-
                      CONVENTION: BUTTON BINGO REVIEW                                ceiving the banter that goes along with the game.
                                                                                     You might want to consider registering early for
                                                                                     Button Bingo for the upcoming Nationals to join
                                                               By Paul & Marsha DiAngi  in on the fun and excitement as well as supporting
                                                                                     a great charity. All of the net proceeds from this
                                                                                     game go directly to the charity that we support.
                                                                                     We hope to see you all again at future events.
                                                                                     This event alone was responsible for a significant
                                                                                     part of the total contribution to Make-A-Wish
                                                                                     Foundation of Greater Los Angeles. I want to thank
            What kind of surprises will Button Bingo have at   As the games progressed the eager participants   everyone that participated in any of the events
            the next event! Those lucky players that pre-reg-  in each session of the ever popular Button Bingo   that raised money benefiting this organization. The
            istered for Button Bingo at this year’s Convention   Game were all trying to win not only the game win-  charity review is posted elsewhere in this News-
            received a special Volkswagen T1 Drag Bus. This   ning gold car, but the very special and very limited   letter. It will give you a listing of our events and a
            bus came in burnt orange and was only available   alternate color game winner cars that were also   grand total of the money raised at the 30th Annual
            to those that pre-registered. None of these were   given out to each winner. The Button Bingo cars for   Collectors Convention.
            given out during any of the games. This year we   this year were a set of red, white and blue Volkswa-
            played for an awesome selection of Volkswagen   gen Beetles. A player automatically received these      Please share your thoughts or your
            Beetles that came in six different colors and were   for purchasing a Button Bingo ticket and playing in   ideas about other games that you would like to
            all very low run pieces as well as two different color   one of the two, twelve game sessions. If a player   see played at these events. If you think the present
            Volkswagen Drag Bus models for a total of eight   won they would receive a special gold Volkswa-  games could be tweaked or enhanced kindly share
            possible cars to win. Do you think this trend will   gen Beetle to add to their set and to increase the   your thoughts via “contact us” at www.hwcollec-
            continue? Assure your spot and pre-register early.   excitement every game winner also received at
            Don’t leave it to chance.           least two additional very low run alternate color

                                                                                                    NEWSLETTER  • ISSUE 1   9
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