Page 14 - Volume31Issue1R
P. 14
Coloring Contest
By Bonnie Tippe
A big thank you to Barb Robles, Kelly It is not an easy task to judge as each
and Russ Kottke, Loretta Parker and picture is great in its own right. Every Group 1 - Ages 5 and under
Greg Hall, it’s been fun! one of the contestants is a winner in 1ST - Noah Gaytan
our eyes. We hope everyone had as 2ND - Alexis Williams (Not Pictured)
The 30th Annual Hot Wheels Collectors much fun as we did. Our contestants 3RD - Landon Racuya
Convention Coloring Contest was held all received a folder of past coloring
in Imperial Suite D on October 8th, pictures, Hot Wheels, a raffle ticket and Group 2 - Ages 6 through 10
2016. 67 young artists got down to a special Hot Wheels cookie! 1ST - Keoni Bactad
business doing their best to make their 2ND - Kale Wargo
pictures shine and shine they did! The prizes received were: 3RD - Luis Quintero
1ST - Place received a trophy and a Hot
It is such a rush to watch the concen- Wheels 21” Skateboard. Group 3 - Ages 11 through 15
tration on their faces. Group 1 - Ages 1ST - Christine Aderholdt
5 and under were given a Texas 2ND - Place received a trophy and a 2ND - Wyatt Harvey
Drive ‘Em to color. Group 2 - Ages 6 Hot Wheels Track Builder System Stunt 3RD - Roxana Arellano
through 10 a Thunder Roller and Group Kit Playset.
3 - Ages 11 through 15 worked with 3RD - Place received a trophy and a
colored pencils on a ‘67 Camaro. Hot Wheels Wall Track Starter Set.
Make-A-Wish Charity Poker | By Greg Hall
As always, we had a great time at started at the final table with the allowed for a lot more betting
the Make-A-Wish Charity Poker same amount of chips. This year action. It was a very fun table.
tournament at the 30th Collec- they got to take the chips they This year we had one person who
tors Convention in LA this year. had at the finish of the first game had never played poker before
I always enjoy getting to see all to the final table. I always deal and another, who even though
my poker playing friends bright the final table and everyone liked he had played before, this was
and early on Thursday morning. this much better than starting his first Hot Wheels Convention,
Everyone who signs up to play over with only 2,700 chips. along with veteran poker players
in this tournament gets a special that I enjoy having at the table
Orange car. The car this year was Before I started though I let every year. As the blinds went
an orange Volkswagen Beetle everyone know that we would up a few times we started to
limited to only 60. be giving out not 2 but 3 prizes lose some people. There was
this year. one gentleman that was ‘short
This year we ended up with 27 stacked’ but kept holding on
players so we only had 3 tables 3rd place would be receiving a hoping to make it to the top 3 so
of 9. We used to play down to bronze Volkswagen Drag Truck he would win another prize. Well
one winner at each table and 2nd would receive a silver Volk- he made it. Congrats JT.
those players advance to the final swagen Drag Truck and a pink
table, but instead of having a Volkswagen Drag Truck 1st place Third place went to JT Miracle
final table with only 3 players we would get the pink Volkswagen Second place went to Seth Harris
went ahead and took the last two Drag Truck, chrome Volkswagen First place winner was Craig
players at each table instead of Drag Bus, the 2016 Toy Fair Levinger.
just the one winner. That means Porsche 934, and a trophy at the This was Craig and his wife’s first
we gave away 6 gold Volkswagen finale on Saturday night with a convention. They said, “They had
Beetles to the top two winners gold Volkswagen Drag Truck on a lot of fun and would definitely
of the table. The 6 players that top. be back”. Congrats on the win
advanced to the final table were Craig.
Craig Levinger, Dave Silva, Ben Even though the players took
McDonald, JT Miracle, John their chip stacks from the first I would like to thank everyone
Knoll, and Seth Harris. table I still wanted the event to that plays in the Poker tourna-
last close to the time of 2 hours ment as well as my great dealers.
We are always looking for ways we were allotted, so I started Everyone does a great job and it
to make the tournament more the blinds back at 200/400 and makes this event a lot of fun.
fun. In the past we always re- doubled them every 15 min. This