Page 16 - Volume31Issue1R
P. 16

Long Time Buyer,
            Chapter Meeting Summary
            By Carl Pomponio
            On Friday, the Hot Wheel Newsletter chapter meeting took place.  There
            were 14 chapters in attendance and each played a part in our meeting.  First Time Seller
            After the opening introductions and contact exchanges, we reviewed a short
            presentation. The chapters shared some best practices about what makes   By Derek Reusser
            a chapter successful. We had some good discussions and identified several
            areas that are important to a chapter for their success. We landed on 5 major
            areas that affect a chapter: regular locations, sets of rules, communication,   Publisher: Redliner Magazine  |  Owner:
            enthusiasm and structured fun. Examples and situations were shared in each
            of these areas and how they help a chapter. All chapters were engaged and
            there was a great sharing of ideas.                       First off, a huge thanks to Jim for   RULE #1
                                                                      asking me to do some writing for   Make sure you can trust your
            An unexpected surprise was a donation made by the Connecticut Valley Hot   the Newsletter. As some of you   helper.
            Wheels club. They had a club car made by Brian Pope of a 64 GMC panel.   may know I publish the Redliner
            They were limited to 60 copies of each made. Their donation allowed us   Magazine and I was in dire need   I have a local buddy here in town
            to create a raffle at the chapter meeting. Congratulations to the winner of   of a break. We are in the midst of   who I thought would enjoy sharing
            the car, Paul Dyke. Paul was in attendance looking to start a club in South   that break right now. I can only   the experience of doing a show.
            Dakota.                                                   imagine Jim being a fellow maga-  We had talked a bunch of times
                                                                      zine publisher was feeling my pain   about it and I confirmed with him
            One of the main purposes of the chapter meeting is to help others to build a   to some degree and extended the   twice that week including the night
            chapter in your area. We have an enormous number of knowledgable collec-  olive branch. He kindly offered me   before that he would be ready the
            tors who are more than willing to share their experiences. Believe me-no one   this platform to get my thoughts   morning of the show. Knowing him
            has a short story! If you are interested in starting a chapter please come to   down while I regroup. It was a huge   well I knew it would be risky and
            the next chapter meeting in Pittsburgh. We are all here to help.  compliment to be thought of wor-  when he didn’t pick up the phone
                                                                      thy of this publication and just what   when I got in front of his house
            Before we ended the meeting there was one more surprise in store. Every   the doctor ordered as I was really   that morning my concerns were
            chapter that was represented received a special Pink 32 Ford, made ex-  missing the writing aspect more   justified. He had “over slept”.  I
            clusively for chapters. This free chapter meeting newsletter car was limited   than I thought I would.   knew the second he answered the
            to a run of 50 pieces and is a complement to the Orange ‘32 Ford that all           door and I saw him, I was on my
            attending Newsletter subscribers received.                I am still in the process of deciding   own for the day. This was not the
                                                                      the future of my magazine but I   plan as he had offered to help me
            I want to thank all of the chapters that were in attendance, All Iowa HWC, Ar-  must say the support I have gotten   set-up/manage tables in exchange
            izona Outlaws, NEODC, NJDCC, Nor-Cal HWCC,  Top of Iowa HWC, SNEW   since Issue 20 was released has   for some table space. Time to
            Hot Wheelers, Thursday night wheels, Windy City, Mid-Ohio HW, South Tex-  been awesome and so appreciat-  mentally shift gears and off I went
            as Diecast, SoCal HWC, Rocky Mountain HW and NW Hot Wheelers. Without   ed. Redliner Magazine updates will   on my own.
            your enthusiasm and participation none of this is possible. I also want to   come as I have them. Right now I
            thank The HWNL and Collector Events LTD for allowing me the opportunity   have to dust off this virtual pen and   RULE #2
            to give back to this hobby. I’ll see everyone in Pittsburgh!!  see if it still works.   Realize the importance of a
                                                                      Part of my mental toy car reboot
                                                                      is to focus more on reaching out   As I drove to the show I started
                                                                      locally. I am located here in north-  thinking about all the things that
                                                                      eastern Pennsylvania. It’s super   were now going to be harder since
                                                                      exciting that Nationals will be only   I was on my own. I could deal with
                                                                      5 hours away in April. I greatly look   the physical set-up I guess, but
                                                                      forward to taking my family to their   what about going to the bathroom
                                                                      second straight convention. But   and getting food? How will I take
                                                                      that being so close is just a happy   pics for this article?  I could also
                                                                      coincidence as I really need to start   now kiss shopping around myself
                                                                      concentrating on participating in   good-bye too. All these things
                                                                      local shows and working towards   became so much harder as I no
                                                                      having an “in person” presence.   longer had someone who could
                                                                      Something I know is very important   watch the tables for me. I guess
                                                                      in this hobby. Part of that process is   I was mostly disappointed at the
                                                                      (gulp) becoming a formal seller as   fact I couldn’t hang out with my
                                                                      well as a buyer.
                                                                                                friend as that was really what I was
                                                                                                looking forward to the most. Oh
                                                                      It’s so much more fun being a buy-  well, the day would not be boring
                                                                      er. I had gotten a taste of selling   either way. That being said I would
                                                                      (outside of the internet) at some of   not depend on this person again.
                                                                      the conventions I’ve been to. But I   Lesson learned.
                                                                      figured throwing stuff on a bed is
                                                                      a piece of cake compared to the
                                                                      actual process of setting up a table   RULE #3
                                                                      at a formal show. I can confirm that   Make sure you have a good hand
                                                                      to be true after purchasing 2 tables   truck
                                                                      at my first official toy show here in
                                                                      Allentown, PA earlier this month.   Unlike previous conventions I
                                                                      I thought I’d share the experience   attended and sold a few things at I
                                                                      here so the old pros can laugh at   actually did bring a little collapsible
                                                                      me and anyone considering to   hand truck. Better than nothing but
                                                                      make the same mistake, er I mean   man do you need a good one. This
                                                                      commitment, might be able to   investment is positively essential. I
                                                                      learn something from my experi-  rolled into the show and holy crap
                                                                      ence.                     it had looked like some of these
                                                                                                guys had been setting up for days!
            16        NEWSLETTER  • ISSUE 1
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