Page 17 - Volume31Issue1R
P. 17
Long Time Buyer,
First Time Seller
By Derek Reusser
Publisher: Redliner Magazine | Owner:
You could see the incredible amount RULE #5 more real life. That being said some RULE #9
of effort and organization required. Sloppies are popular in person too of the more chiseled veteran dealers Don’t have $ expectations
I didn’t have a ton of stuff and I had might not feel that way anymore,
re-estimated an hour (from a half- If you follow me on-line you know and its understandable I guess some I recall hearing at conventions what
hour with help) to get my stuff from about my Sunday Sloppies. They are might depend on these shows for people were expecting to make
the car to the tables which put me interesting entry level pieces that income. Fortunately I don’t. So when during room-to- room trading only to
right at opening time. Coffee don’t people seem to really enjoy because an especially passionate and some not come close and were bummed
fail me now! The show was at a car they are cheap. I brought a big ol’ might say loud fellow came through out. Why ruin a trip/experience like
museum and it had 2 floors and box of them to the show and this was sharing story after story with other that? I knew this was a tiny show and
required the use of an elevator so by far the most popular spot in the dealers I took notice. I saw with great had zero expectations. The fellow
it was a little more time consuming whole place. So much so many of finesse and urgency other dealers next to me who did this a lot says
than I thought, but I made it. Many the other vendors were coming over pawning him off to the next table as sometimes you can make a grand in
of the other vendors were very nice wondering what the heck was in the he wasn’t exactly making it rain in a day and sometimes you can get
and accommodating. I got the sense box! They are fun and it was cool to moolah as he preoccupied each deal- shut out. I ended up somewhere
right away that this was almost a see how people responded to root- er’s time, in fact he wasn’t spending in between and had a blast. I can’t
family that existed amongst many of ing through a mystery box of toy cars a dime. He got to me and I realized imagine making a living like this. But
the sellers. It was like a whole other in person. This just reaffirmed that I he really knew a lot about toy cars. it was so much fun and I look forward
world on “the other side of the ta- will always offer sloppies as long as I He certainly wasn’t polished but he to the next one.
ble”. I really had zero apprehensions deal cars. was quite interesting and I think he
leaving inventory unprotected in my must have yucked it up with me for So I hope that was an amusing look
area (since I had no helper now) as RULE #6 over 45 minutes. He dominated the at my first show as a seller and not
I made 5 or 6 trips to the van. That conversation by 5 to 1 on words (and just a buyer. Sorry for the long read,
was real nice. Don’t shop during down-time those who know me know I can talk like I said I guess I miss this whole
too). I literally made 3 sales around writing gig more than I realize. Once
Now I am all for getting an early bird
RULE #4 peak at what else is being offered him as he spoke. Other dealers were again, a huge thanks to Jim for keep-
Love thy neighbor (especially and snagging some deals. But when winking and chuckling at me as clear- ing me plugged into the publication
ly I (the newbie) had been caught in
when you are alone) you realize you are literally trapped in a vortex that they saw coming. But world! If he will have me again I look
a building with a bunch of other deal- forward to doing more. Have fun!
This was a small toy show. What I ers with goodies galore its tough to he enjoyed it and so did I and much
really didn’t think about was the say no to a little shopping here and to the amazement to a couple of the
close proximity of other sellers next there. I was positioned directly across other dealers he actually bought a
you. Like it or not you will need from an action figure set-up which couple small things in the end. With
to communicate often with your is typically not my thing. However I or without the sale I am glad I gave
neighbors. Fortunately the older could not resist picking up a vintage him a chance as it was real interesting
fellow next to me who was peddling Star Wars case filled with 20 figures chatter.
custom electric trains was really nice at a nice price. I don’t typically
and relatively entertaining. It was fun Christmas shop in October, but I had RULE #8
getting little selling nuggets from to rationalize it somehow. This would The Dominoes will fall fast at
him during down-time at the show. go to my son. Either way a half hour closing
His partner had also abandoned him into the show I was already in the
(for his wife) so we sort of ended up red. Oops. The vast majority of the traffic came
being each others helpers as the through in the morning. I suppose
show went on. So much so that we RULE #7 that’s pretty normal. There were only
ended up conducting quite possibly like 40 of us there. But man when
the first ever toy car for hoagie sand- Beware of the yapper one or two decided to pack up early
wich trade ever. He had an extra that These shows get people talking in the afternoon. Almost everyone
his friend didn’t eat and liked a car I and remembering. That is why we followed suit real quick. It was rather
had out. After throwing in a couple do this…and to not expect that to amazing how quickly it went from
of mustard packages, I took the offer. happen is a little unrealistic. That bustling venue to ghost town. Not
That was fun. is really why I want to expand my sure what to learn from that, but be
local presence I suppose. I desire a ready!
bit less virtual experience and a bit NEWSLETTER • ISSUE 1 15