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P. 13

2016 LA. RAOK Party

             By Joe Alverado
            What’s a ROAK you ask? It’s a “Random Act Of Kindness.” And at every Nationals/Con-
            vention some collectors make a handful of custom cars, package them in various ways and
            trade them or just hand them out to fellow collectors as a gift or trade them with fellow
            ROAKers. The RAOK Party gives collectors a place to trade those custom cars with other
            fellow ROAKers. It’s really cool to see what other people come up with. This year’s party
            in Los Angeles, CA was another great success. While attendance was down a little this
            year, everyone who made it had a great time with the trading of RAOKs. Lots of very cool
            RAOKs were exchanged and everyone left with a smile. If you’re planning on attending
            the 2017 Nationals in Pittsburgh get started on your RAOKS now. I know I am.

            2016 LA Custom Car Seminar - The Basics
            (30th Convention)
            Have you ever wanted to make a custom Hot Wheels car but didn’t know where to start?
            Well this is a good place to begin, come to the Custom Car Seminar at the Hot Wheels
            Convention. For those who were able to attend I hope I was able to answer some of
            your questions and show you a new trick or two. This time we concentrated on the dif-
            ferent ways to prep and paint using Spray Cans. Using different techniques and different
            types of spray can paint you can achieve a wide variety of effects. Everything from basic
            colors, Spectra flame like and even an Old School Flake paint job. A few happy attend-
            ees were lucky enough to take home a couple of Spray Can Customs especially made for
            the presentation. Like I say, there is no wrong way to make a custom. Try new things and
            do what works for you and don’t be afraid to try new things. See you in Pittsburgh.

            The 30th ANNUAL CONVENTION
            Sizzlers Races Los Angeles 2016                   By Joe Davis

            This year at the 30th Annual Collectors Conven-  Ted Gray in Second Place
            tion in Los Angeles CA. the Sizzlers Races were   Romy Rivera in Third Place
            once again intense and exciting. Several of the
            veteran racers were back, plus a few rookies. We   We also ran a special race with kids and adults,
            started with the Kids Sizzlers 12 and under  race   not going to give any detail so it will be a sur-
            so the kids could participate in other activities   prise to those who haven’t raced, but it was
            going on. We had a fair turnout for the kids Siz-  GREAT and a lot of fun with Jonas Hayes coming
            zlers. We ran a heat race then the final race with   out on top in 1st. This group made sure everyone
            all the kids from the heat race in the final race,   who wanted to race had a car to race. My hat is
            which added even more excitement. The racing   off to all of you guys; you are great. If you have
            was very close.                       never watched the Sizzlers races I would like to
                                                  invite you to come by and watch or even join us.
            The Kids Sizzlers 12 and under winners were:  The racing is great and exciting and the people
            Jonas Hayes in First Place            are even better. It is amazing how fast these old
            Emmett Shirk in Second Place          cars can be and these kids and adults love racing
            Madalyn Farmer in Third Place         them. I would like to thank everyone who helped
            A special thanks to all the guys for supplying   and everyone who races, it was great as always
            Sizzlers for the kids who wanted to race but   and good to see everyone. See you in Pittsburgh
            had no car, this keeps the kids interested in the   next year!
            Sizzlers and keeps the Convention and Nationals
            growing.                              SPECIAL NOTE
                                                  As everyone knows we have made some changes
            Sizzlers Adult Long Battery. We ran 3 heat races   to the Sizzlers racing. There were two races cut
            with some exciting moments, always something   and I am working on something new. If anyone
            when Jason Hayes and Bob Ireland are racing.   has any good ideas please send me an email
            The racing was great. The winner from each heat   (, I would like to add something
            race made it to the final. The winners were:   new for the 12 and under kids to keep them
            Jason Hayes in First Place            interested in the Sizzlers. Oh and remember all
            Midory Rivera (Margareta) in Second Place  Sizzlers Races will start at 9am. Mattel has come
            Patsy Lane in Third Place             out with some new Sizzlers type cars available at
                                                  your local Targets. These cars have already start-
            Sizzlers Adult Short Battery. The race was exciting   ed showing up at the stores so in the future we
            and started out with a bang, We had 4 heat races   will be looking and testing these new cars and
            with the winner of each heat race in the final   maybe a race with them so keep a look out.
            race. With the spin of the wheel we ran 120 laps
            clockwise which messed up everyone but added
            more excitement. At the end the winners were...
             Jason Hayes in First Place
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