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Vending Machine Report

            by Sherdia Davis

            This years Vending Machine at the 30th   lot of new people at this year’s Conven-  Convention Mania
            Convention in Los Angles was a success   tion. Be sure to get your Vending Pulls
            and lots of fun! Thanks to Jimmy Liu of   for Pittsburgh early for they sell out fast!    By Jerry Rousselle
            Hot Wheels Marketing for supplying all the   Thanks Carl Pomponio for all you do, also
            great RLC cars for the Vending Machines   thanks to Cindy Kehus and Steve Reddell   There was excitement and anticipation
            and special bonus prizes. He always does a   for helping with the lines and handing out   for all the events including the Hot
            great job. Mattel always sends great Bonus   prizes.          Wheels Convention Mania game. Ex-
            Prizes and just few of the prizes were:                       citement was in the air as the room filled
            2016 Toy Fair Porsche, Comic-Con Suicide   Thanks to Mark and Jennifer Millhollin for   with both first time and rookie players.
            Squad, Comic-Con Dare Devil, 1/18 scale   the great job they do.  It was interesting to note the diversity
            Deora II plus more great prizes.                              of the players. Young boys and girls
                                           Hope to see everyone at the 17th Nation-  along with the welcome help of parents,
            Thanks to all the people who bought   als in Pittsburgh for more excitement and   teens and “mature” hopefuls chose
            Vending Pulls.  There seemed to be a   fun!!                  their places. They all had their sights set
                                                                          on the prizes that were up for grabs. Some of the seasoned players
                                                                          of the Mania game were willing to help the newer players with the
                                                                          simple rules. It does not take long for the game to play at a quick
                                                                          and competitive pace. Brody Ringrose, age 7, was one of the first
                                                                          time players and with his mother’s help writes, “It was easy to play
                                                                          and he came within 4 points of winning his table. Brody was anxious
                                                                          to play and wants to play again because he had so much fun. Thank
                                                                          you for such a great game”.  Christie Slawson, another first time
                                                                          player writes, “I’m a first time player and I’m hooked!  It’s really easy
                                                                          to learn and you can start strategizing right from the start. The game
                                                                          is interactive and well worth playing for a great cause and with great
                                                                          prizes”. This version of Mania was won by yet another first time
                                                                          player, Ida Potts. One of our more “mature” players, Ida writes,
                                                                          “Hot Wheels Convention Mania game was a first for me and I had a
                                                                          great time playing against all the competitors. It was just plain fun”.
                                                                          The money raised goes to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater
                                                                          Los Angeles, The players and I would like to thank Collectors Events
                                                                          Unlimited and Mattel for donating the great prizes. SEE YOU IN
             Kids Scavenger Hunt                                          Pittsburgh.

             By Greg Hall
            The kids scavenger hunt is one of the
            events I look forward to every convention.
            Getting to see all those smiling faces as
            they come thru registration and sign up.
            Getting to watch them as they try to find all
            the items on the list. Also the parents that
            lend a hand that makes it easier for those
            younger participants. We decided
            to split the scavenger hunt into 2 age   Wheels Track Builders Stunt Kit,
            groups: 8 and under and 9-15. This way the   Third place went to Kale Wargo. He re-
            younger “hunters” wound have a better   ceived a Hot Wheels Wall Tracks Starter Kit.
            chance at winning as well. We had about
            65 kids join in the fun and only about 30   In the 8 and under group
            of those kids turned in their bags by the   First place went to Braden Rollinson. He
            cut-off time on Saturday. All the kids found   received a trophy as well as a Hot Wheels
            a few extra Hot Wheels cars in their bag   Skate Board.
            when they picked them up. The com-  Second place went to Madalyn Rae Farmer.
            petition was still tough but we added a   She received a trophy and a cool Hot
            tiebreaker this year, which made selecting   Wheels Track Builders Stunt Kit.
            the winners much easier. There was a jar   Third place went to Shelby Holdeman. She
            of Hot Wheels tires that they had to guess   received a Hot Wheels Wall Tracks Starter
            the number of wheels, closest to without   Kit.
            going over.
                                            I’d like to say thank you to everyone that
            In the 9-15 age group           helps in any way with this event. The kids
            First place went to Ashlynn Casselbery. She   really enjoy it and it gives them something
            received a trophy as well as a Hot Wheels   to do while the parents are doing a
            Skate board.                    little “hunting” of their own. Congrats to all
            Second place went to Carter Casselbury.   the winners.
            He also received a trophy and a cool Hot                                                NEWSLETTER  • ISSUE 1   15
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