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Should you buy a
       On the flip side, some Kiwis are likely                                                                                                 increases in the value of the                         property, and how stable your own
       to     have        mortgage         repayment              house right now?                                                             property.                                             income is.
       problems as they struggle to make
       ends meet over the next two or three                                                                                                    I’m a property investor                               Income stability relates to both job
       months, although banks have said                           (Article from Juno Investing)                                                                                                      security, but also potential changes
       that they will deal with these situations                                                                                               Looking for deals right now would                     in your salary. You’ll want to
       responsibly, and it’s unlikely  that we                    If you had been thinking of buying                                           make       sense,       considering         the       consider how likely this is for you,
       will see anyone lose their home in                         a house, should you go ahead                                                 environment is changing and people                    and to what extent.
       anything other than the most extreme                       with your plans even with the                                                are uncertain – so you may have
       of cases.                                                  coronavirus           outbreak?          Ryan                                less competition out there.                           And, if you’re feeling stuck about
                                                                  Smuts, a mortgage adviser at Kris                                                                                                  whether you should buy or not,
       In summary – if the crisis is over                         Pedersen Mortgages, gives his                                                You may also have some vendors                        speak to a mortgage broker,
       quickly, there’s no need for panic.                        tips.                                                                        selling properties at a bargain. They                 property specialist, or financial
                                                                                                                                               might sell their homes due to their                   adviser who can help you based on
       Expect prices to flatten or even take a                    Things are changing at a rapid pace,                                         situation changing or because they                    your personal situation.
       small negative dip in some parts of the                    to say the least. For those out in the                                       no longer want to carry out the
       country – then recover over the                            market as a purchaser, it seems like                                         renovations they’d planned.                           Published 24 March 2020
 (Article from Juno Investing)  use open homes and auctions as   following 12 months.   knowing what to do is difficult.
 sales tools.                                                                                                                                  If you can buy well in any market,
 As we find ourselves in the midst of   But if we’re still dealing with Covid-19   I’m a first-home buyer                                      then you hedge your bets against a
 a four week lockdown due to the   But life will go on, and houses will still   by Christmas? That’s a completely                              changing market. Focus on your
 coronavirus, property commentator   change hands.  different conversation.   If you're a first-home buyer and are                             buy price.
 Ashley Church reviews its effects on                             looking at property right now, I think
 the New Zealand property market.   It’s also worth noting that for house   Published 24 March 2020  it would be smart to consider what        There could be market stimulation
 prices to fall, people have to be selling                        type of property you buy.
 Do I think the property market will be   their homes for less than the market   Ashley Church  is  a  property                                Lower interest rates can stimulate
 affected by the crisis?    previously said they were worth – but   commentator for   Look at the fundamentals of the           the market, as we saw with a
 sellers will face the same sales   He’s been a media commentator on   property, almost like an investor                                       significant 0.75 per cent reduction in
 Yes I do, but the extent of that effect   process difficulties as buyers, so it’s   property for more than 20 years.   would. This should be about the   the OCR on 16 March.
 will depend on how long the crisis   unlikely we’ll see much change in   Email him at   desirability of the property, like
 lasts. If the worst of the impact is over   prices  during  the  crisis.  And  location,  local  amenities,  and                              But      there      are     other       things
 by June or July, then I would only   confidence will quickly return when it’s   transport.                                                    happening too, like employment
 expect there to be a small hit on the   over, fuelled in part by the historically                                                             instability across a range of
 market, but if this thing is still with us   low interest rates resulting from the   Understand that your first home is                       industries – tourism, hospitality, and
 by  Christmas,  the  consequences are   Reserve Bank’s recent OCR cut.   unlikely to be your last. That means                                 retail, to name a few.
 likely to be much more serious.                                  it makes sense to consider looking                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (These articles do not contain  any
 It’s also worth noting that the New                              for opportunities where you can buy                                          Government subsidy packages will                                                                                                                                                                financial advice and have not taken
 There’s no question that market   Zealand housing market has been   a property under-value and do some                                        have a positive impact too.                                                                                                                                                                     into account any particular person’s
 activity will be affected over the next   remarkably resilient over the past 40   minor cosmetic renovations to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                           circumstances. Before relying on
 few  months.  Impulse  and  ‘casual’   years and has only seen three falls in   house to get it up to scratch.                                Things to consider                                                                                                                                                                              them, we recommend you speak
 house-buying will all but disappear,   values over that time – with none of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   with      an      independent          financial
 and even those who need to buy (due   those falls getting anywhere near   This could mean that you save                                       The important things  to consider                                                                                                                                                               adviser.)
 to relocation, family size, downsizing,   numbers that would be defined as a   money on your purchase price, but                              right now when buying property
 or economic pressure) will still face a   ‘crash’.          (continued on next page)   also have some tax-free capital                        would be what you pay for the
 more difficult time because they can’t


                                   Thinking of selling? Contact us for a FREE appraisal!

                                   Chris      0274 960 959 
                                   Karen      0272 961 449 
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