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increases in the value of the property, and how stable your own respond to control the outbreak will If you plan to use your money for a
property. income is. dictate future market reaction. first-home deposit in the next few
months, you'll need to consider what
I’m a property investor Income stability relates to both job KiwiSaver is a long-term investment feels right to you. Switching now will
(Article from Juno Investing) security, but also potential changes Your KiwiSaver money is often mean locking in any losses, but you
Looking for deals right now would in your salary. You’ll want to invested in shares on the share can move forward with some certainty
If you had been thinking of buying make sense, considering the consider how likely this is for you, market, so is subject to market about what your balance will be when
a house, should you go ahead environment is changing and people and to what extent. volatility. When the market rises and it comes time to settle.
with your plans even with the are uncertain – so you may have falls, your balance can increase or
coronavirus outbreak? Ryan less competition out there. And, if you’re feeling stuck about decrease. When your balance dips, it’s You can also choose to stay in the
Smuts, a mortgage adviser at Kris whether you should buy or not, usually not a cause for concern. Over growth fund, if you're in it already, but
Pedersen Mortgages, gives his You may also have some vendors speak to a mortgage broker, the long term, your balance is this could mean things get worse
tips. selling properties at a bargain. They property specialist, or financial expected to grow. before they get better. And if you're
might sell their homes due to their adviser who can help you based on relying on your KiwiSaver balance for
Things are changing at a rapid pace, situation changing or because they your personal situation. the bulk of your deposit, this could
to say the least. For those out in the no longer want to carry out the Should I change my fund? affect the amount you are able to
market as a purchaser, it seems like renovations they’d planned. Published 24 March 2020 It’s important your KiwiSaver money is borrow for your mortgage.
knowing what to do is difficult. in the right fund. Your fund type should
If you can buy well in any market, be based around your risk level. Your Avoid changing your fund type
I’m a first-home buyer then you hedge your bets against a Is Coronavirus risk level is how long you will have because of ups and downs in the
changing market. Focus on your affecting my Kiwisaver your money invested in KiwiSaver, and market. Think about your investment
If you're a first-home buyer and are buy price. how comfortable you are with time frame, and make sure your fund
looking at property right now, I think balance? investing. reflects that.
it would be smart to consider what There could be market stimulation
type of property you buy. But if watching your money go up and
Lower interest rates can stimulate (Article from Juno Kiwisaver) down makes you very worried, you I’m confused
Look at the fundamentals of the the market, as we saw with a have a few options. You can try to get If you’re worried, or confused about
property, almost like an investor significant 0.75 per cent reduction in The outbreak of coronavirus is used to the ups and downs, and the your fund type, give your KiwiSaver
would. This should be about the the OCR on 16 March. affecting share markets and longer you’re invested you’ll probably provider a call. They are there to help
desirability of the property, like economies around the world. You get more comfortable with any ups you understand, and give you
location, local amenities, and But there are other things probably noticed your KiwiSaver and downs. information about, your account and
transport. happening too, like employment balance has dropped. So, is it balance.
instability across a range of something to worry about? Or you might not be in the right fund
Understand that your first home is industries – tourism, hospitality, and for your risk level. Our guide to funds Published 12 March 2020
unlikely to be your last. That means retail, to name a few. Try not to panic can help you.
it makes sense to consider looking When events like this affect (These articles do not contain any
for opportunities where you can buy Government subsidy packages will markets, it’s best not to panic. Your I want to change funds financial advice and have not taken
a property under-value and do some have a positive impact too. KiwiSaver balance might have If you're planning to use your into account any particular person’s
minor cosmetic renovations to the dipped, but try to stay calm. In the KiwiSaver money in the next few years circumstances. Before relying on
house to get it up to scratch. Things to consider past, markets have been quick to and thinking about switching due to them, we recommend you speak
recover from these types of the ups and downs it might be a good with an independent financial
This could mean that you save The important things to consider outbreaks, and the markets are still idea to hold off for a while. There could adviser.)
money on your purchase price, but right now when buying property hovering near record highs. How well be a bounce back in the market in
also have some tax-free capital would be what you pay for the quickly China and other countries the short term that will recover some
of your losses.