Page 5 - October Newsletter
P. 5

Ideas to make Halloween

                                         works for everyone

    It is fair to say not everyone is going to enjoy the knocks at the door and kids

        asking for lollies. So here are some idea's to make it more enjoyable for

                                   your kids and also your neighbours.

            1 - Have a street party - so all those who want to do something for

      Halloween - get together and have an evening of games, treats and scary


        2 - Go around and ask which neighbours are wanting to be involved this

      year with trick or treating - create a fun map with only the houses who are

                                            going to be interacting.

      3 - If you are not interested in Halloween or Trick or Treaters, to avoid the

    knocks at the door, just make up a friendly sign and pop it on you front door.

       4 - With all the different dietary requirements these days, you could see if

        your neighbourhood want to move away from the lolly focus and have a

          dress up competition. Each neighbour could give a token to the best

                                              dressed at the door.

            5 - Maybe your street isnt that big and there are only a few people

        interested. You could host a Halloween movie night with a scary movie.

    6 - If you want to keep Halloween small and just your family, you could have
                                  fun baking a traditional pumpkin pie.

                                     See our recipe over the page ....
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