Page 3 - October Newsletter
P. 3

Do it yourself or not...


     If you’re looking for a true fixer-upper, you’ll likely pay less than you would
                         for a new home. So you are onto a winner there..

    If have can manage to do the renovations yourself, you can save thousands of

    dollars in the long run. Money you can use elsewhere to really make the home

       An old house has plenty of character. There will likely be old woodwork,

   intricate details in the moldings and quirky light fixtures and hardware. Even
         with renovations, you’ll be able to keep some of the uniqueness while

                         bringing it up-to-date and making it your own.

        However if you want to build from scratch, you get to have brand new

   materials, position the house on the land as you like, and create a layout you

     It can be a lot of fun, very educational and a great experience that you will

       remember for years. Also not to mention a moment of great pride when

                            sleeping your first night in your new home!

                                                       Turn over for the Cons
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