Page 4 - October Newsletter
P. 4


     Some of the most expensive areas for renovating an old house can be found in
      replacing the roof and foundation, electrical and plumbing and updating the

     HVAC system. Be sure to get a thorough inspection before buying so you know

                                    what you may be in for price-wise.

      It could take longer than you thought. Unexpected surprises are often found

    during renovating or building. Your plans, price and timeline will likely change,
                              and most of the time it’s not for the better.

       Though it is admirable to take time off work and save labour costs and do it

   yourself. If you don't have the experience or knowledge or assistance of someone
                   to guide you along the process - it could quite disasterous.

    If you are doing the renovation or building a home from scratch strictly to make

     some cash - you only need to watch the finale of this years "The Block" to know

                                           this is no longer the case..

   Building or renovating a house can be a super stressful time, not only financially

      but socially and emotionally.  Look after your relationships with friends and

    family, but also look after yourself. Buidling a home is not for the light hearted.

    Doing your homework now on contractors and laborers can save you thousands

                          of dollars and unnecessary grief in the long term.
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