Page 2 - Papakura MARCH
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Community Matters
Whats Going on in Papakura???
Laughter Yoga - Papakura Old Central School Hall, 57 Wood St, Papakura
Thursday 12 March 2020 7:00pm – 8:00pm
At Laughter Yoga we use a combination of laughter exercises, breathing, gentle
stretches and relaxation to bring more fun, good health and less stress into our
lives. Learn to laugh without jokes, tap into the joy of laughter."
Auckland Youth Orchestra
Hawkins Theatre, 13 Ray Small Drive, Papakura
Saturday 21 March 7:30pm – 9:00pm
AYO is a full symphony orchestra comprised of 75 of Auckland's most talented
young musicians (ages 14-24). AYO toured to Germany and Slovenia in 2018,
receiving standing ovations from capacity audiences at their six performances -
don't miss this experience!
Red Shed Palazzo Saturday Markets
16 Jesmond Rd, Drury 9:00am – 3:00pm
We welcome everyone to come along and see what we are all about. The café is
not the only hidden gem that you must discover!
Please Note, as part of helping reduce waste we are
decreasing our paper advertising.
Therefore we will be providing our monthly Newsletters
Online Only.
This Month of March will be the last Newsletter for
letterbox deliveries.
If you wish to continue receiving our monthly
Newsletters please ensure to subscribe via our Social
Media below or email us.
F a c e b o o k . c o m / G r a n t h a m M c G e h a n /
I n s t a g r a m . c o m / g r a n t h a m m c g e h a n /