Page 4 - Papakura MARCH
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Prepare for Changes in Trusts.. continued
There's also now a maximum time period for a trust to last -
125 years.
What you might need to do:
Before the changes come into effect, many trustees have a lot
of work to do to make sure they hold all trust records.
We're starting trust reviews for all our trust clients early this
year, to make sure they comply with the ACT.
This is a good chance to make any changes to trust
arrangements, and take a look at the pool of beneficiaries.
Article by Monique Mackie of AlexanderDorrington.
JUNO Autumn Edition 2020
F a c e b o o k . c o m / G r a n t h a m M c G e h a n /
I n s t a g r a m . c o m / g r a n t h a m m c g e h a n /
Team Grantham McGehan
We have great range of
properties on the market at
the moment.
425 Great South Road,
10 Alta Terrace, Flatbush
4 Tanah Merah Drive,
35 Kathleen Reece place,
39 Kathleen Reece place,
If you are thinking of
selling, please do call us
for a FREE Appraisal. We
can offer a real estate
experience quite like no