Page 24 - Focus on Prevention: Strategies and Programs to Prevent Substance Use
P. 24
It’s important to establish a broad base of support,
Look Around or buy-in, to address prevention issues. The more a
prevention strategy represents the whole community
and shares a common goal, the more powerful and
An organization or community advocate concerned respected it will be.
about substance use, public health and safety, or the
well-being of a population could be a partner, including: Reaching Diverse Groups
Educational institutions Your best bet is to reach diverse groups of adults and
youth with prevention messages by engaging as many
Parent and volunteer groups
kinds of organizations as possible. For example, if
Youth organizations your primary goal is to prevent youth marijuana use,
After-school programs you may team up with your local police force, school
counselors, clergy, and even the local chapter of
Faith-based community organizations
Narcotics Anonymous.
Health care and mental health providers
As your substance use prevention strategy gets
The justice system, including law enforcement underway, roles and responsibilities will likely fall
personnel into place naturally, with everyone contributing what
State, county, and local governments they can. People may help by making a financial
contribution, providing services without charging
Prevention and treatment organizations
for them, making facilities available for prevention
Legal, social services, and other organizations activities, recruiting volunteers, volunteering, or
serving low-income families participating in boards of directors or committees.
Labor unions
Neighborhood-based social clubs
Service organizations
20 Focus On Prevention