Page 24 - Focus on Prevention: Strategies and Programs to Prevent Substance Use
P. 24

It’s important to establish a broad base of support,
          Look Around                                             or buy-in, to address prevention issues. The more a
                                                                  prevention strategy represents the whole community
                                                                  and shares a common goal, the more powerful and
          An organization or community advocate concerned         respected it will be.
          about substance use, public health and safety, or the
          well-being of a population could be a partner, including:  Reaching Diverse Groups

             Educational institutions                            Your best bet is to reach diverse groups of adults and
                                                                  youth with prevention messages by engaging as many
             Parent and volunteer groups
                                                                  kinds of organizations as possible. For example, if
             Youth organizations                                 your primary goal is to prevent youth marijuana use,
             After-school programs                               you may team up with your local police force, school
                                                                  counselors, clergy, and even the local chapter of
             Faith-based community organizations
                                                                  Narcotics Anonymous.
             Health care and mental health providers
                                                                  As your substance use prevention strategy gets
             The justice system, including law enforcement       underway, roles and responsibilities will likely fall
             personnel                                            into place naturally, with everyone contributing what
             State, county, and local governments                they can. People may help by making a financial
                                                                  contribution, providing services without charging
             Prevention and treatment organizations
                                                                  for them, making facilities available for prevention
             Legal, social services, and other organizations     activities, recruiting volunteers, volunteering, or
             serving low-income families                          participating in boards of directors or committees.

             Businesses
             Labor unions
             Neighborhood-based social clubs
             Service organizations

             Media

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