Page 171 - Malcolm Gladwell - Talking to Strangers
P. 171

Chapter Nine: KSM: What Happens When the Stranger Is a

                    “Call me Mukhtar…the 9/11 attacks”: James Mitchell, Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds
                    and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying to Destroy America (New York: Crown Forum, 2016),
                    p. 7.

                    portions of a videotaped deposition: Sheri Fink and James Risen, “Psychologists Open a Window
                    on    Brutal   CIA    Interrogations,”   New   York   Times,   June   21,   2017,

                    From  Wikipedia:  “Water  intoxication,  also  known  as  water  poisoning,  hyperhydration,
                    overhydration, or water toxemia[,] is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results
                    when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside safe limits by excessive water
                    “The realistic stress of…actual combat”: Charles A. Morgan et al., “Hormone Profiles in Humans
                    Experiencing  Military  Survival  Training,”  Biological  Psychiatry  47,  no.  10  (2000):  891–901,
                    Rey-Osterrieth figures drawn before and after interrogation: Charles A. Morgan III et al., “Stress-
                    Induced  Deficits  in  Working  Memory  and  Visuo-Constructive  Abilities  in  Special  Operations
                    Soldiers,” Biological Psychiatry 60, no. 7 (2006): 722–29, doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2006.04.021. The
                    Rey-Osterrieth  figure  was  first  developed  by  Andre  Rey  and  published  in  his  article  “L’examen
                    psychologique  dans  les  cas  d’encephalopathie  traumatique  (Les  problemes),”  Archives  de
                    Psychologie 28 (1941): 215-85.
                    In another, larger study (in footnote): Charles Morgan et al., “Accuracy of eyewitness memory for
                    persons encountered during exposure to highly intense stress,” International Journal of Law  and
                    Psychiatry 27 (2004): 264–65.
                    KSM made his first public confession: Verbatim Transcript of Combatant Status Review Tribunal
                    Hearing        for        ISN         10024,        March        10,        2007,
                    “might  induce  some  form…wishes  to  have  access  to”:  Shane  O’Mara,  Why  Torture  Doesn’t
                    Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2015), p.

                    KSM was “making things up”: Robert Baer, “Why KSM’s Confession Rings False,” Time, March
                    15, 2007,,8599,1599861,00.html.
                    “He has nothing…problem since he was captured”: Adam Zagorin, “Can KSM’s Confession Be
                    Believed?”             Time,             March              15,             2007,
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