Page 127 - Doctrine and History of the Preservation of the Bible revised
P. 127

Let’s Practice…

               1. Describe King James’s relationship with God.

               2. Give some reasons why King James ordered that a new English translation be undertaken:

               3-4.  Name two of the rules King James gave to the translators.

               5. How do the 1611 versions and the 1760 version of the KJV Bible differ?

               6. What Greek translation was the primary source for the translators of the KJV?

               7. Cite one criticism of the KJV Only proponents and give a rebuttal.

               8. What are the problems with the KJV Only advocates when it comes to foreign language translations?

               9. What translation approach did the translators of the NASB and the ESV take when translating?

               10. What suggestion did the author have when doing personal Bible study and which translations to

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