Page 41 - Doctrine and History of the Preservation of the Bible revised
P. 41

(2) Inspiration refers to the accurate transmission of that content to men, first verbally (as with the
               prophets) and then in written form.

               (3) Illumination refers to understanding of the Bible’s message to believers. Unbelievers can only
               experience this work as it pertains to His convicting ministry in relation to the gospel message (John

               Illumination is a work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of a believer.  When the Holy Spirit comes to reside in
               a believer upon faith during salvation, He comes to work in the following ways:

               1.  The Holy Spirit is our Teacher.  He comes to guide and teach every believer the truths of God found in
               His Word, His revelation.

               2.  Since the indwelling Holy Spirit is limited to believers, unbelievers can only experience the
               illumination ministry of the Holy Spirit in the matter of conviction of sin and need for a Savior (John

               3.  The extent of the Spirit’s illumination encompasses the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation.

               4.  The believer can behave in such a way as to hamper the Spirit’s ministry of illumination.  For
               example, he can be carnal and walk in the flesh (I Cor. 2: 1-3), or lazy, or love the pleasures of the world,
               or ignorant (Mark 12:24), or use poor methods of Bible study (2 Timothy 3:15).

               5.   The purpose of the Holy Spirit’s ministry is to focus our attention on Christ, not Himself.

               6.  The Spirit gives special gifts to each believer and uses these gifts as a means of illuminating others
               (Rom. 12:7; I john 2:27)

               Illumination is NOT direct revelation.  The canon of Scriptures is completed and closed.  The Spirit
               illuminates to us the meaning of what has already been written in God’s Word.  He is not going to give a
               believer NEW revelation through illumination, but his ministry is confined to a study of the Scriptures.
               The Spirit of God will illuminate us to understand His Word as we employ Biblical methods of
               interpretation to each passage of Scripture.  Faulty study skills will lead to errors in interpretation.  So,
               let’s look at some basic rules which we can use as guidelines for interpreting Scripture.

                          Let’s Practice…

               1.  Write out the definition of revelation.

               2-3.  What two types of revelation are there?

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