Page 42 - Doctrine and History of the Preservation of the Bible revised
P. 42

4.  How is general revelation revealed to mankind?

               5.   What verses in the Bible tell us that God instilled a conscience in every man?

               6.  Can a person be saved by general revelation only?  Why or why not?

               7.  What verse in the Bible tells us how important it is for someone to go to the lost person and share
               God’s special revelation to him?

               8.  Why is it so important to have the Holy Spirit indwelling in your life in order to understand God’s

               9.  Write out the definition of illumination.

               10.  In what way can a lost person experience illumination?

               11.  What is the difference between illumination and revelation?

                          Let’s get Personal…

               Activity:  Write out the difference between general revelation, special revelation, and illumination.  It
               can become confusing unless you have a clear understanding of each:

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