Page 17 - History of Christianity I - Student Textbook
P. 17
3.4 Let’s Practice…
1. What major false teaching did Irenaeus contend with in his lifetime?
2. As doctrine began to be clarified, what contribution did Tertullian present to the church?
3. How did Clement demonstrate that he was an early church apologist?
4. What impact did Polycarp make in the church as well as among non-believers at his death?
5. Why was Constantine such an important individual in the history of the church?
6. What major law did Constantine issue that changed the persecution of the church? When was it issued?
7. What did this new law declare?
3.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: The church has been tried by fire (persecution). Now, with the Edit of Milan, the church
was free from persecution. In fact, Christianity was eventually the favored religion and all others
were persecuted. Can you predict what is going to happen to the church over the next few
centuries being united with the government?