Page 17 - Hebrews- Student Textbook
P. 17

Study Section 3: Chapter 1 - The Supremacy of Jesus as the Son of God

                3.1 Connect

                           Jesus one day was asked by his disciples to show them the Father.  Rather surprised, Jesus
                           told Philip that if he knew who Jesus was, He had seen the Father.  He said, “Anyone who
                           has seen me has seen the Father.  Why are you asking me to show you the Father?”’

                           John 1:14 says, The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His
               glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.  We will see today that
               Jesus is an exact reflection of God the Father.  He was God revealing Himself in flesh to His creation.
               When we look at Jesus, we are looking at who God is – God’s very nature and image.

               Today we can respond by worship because Jesus is truly worthy of our worship and praise.  The living
               creatures bowed before the Son of God and said, “Worthy art thou, our Lord and our God, to receive the
               glory and the honor and the power: for thou didst create all things, and because of thy will they were,
               and were created” (Rev. 4:11)

               3.2 Objectives

                        1.  The student should be able to discribe who Jesus is based on what is revealed in the first
                        chapter of this book.

                        2. The student should be able to explain how Jesus upholds the creation.

               3.  The student should be able to describe the various ideas of what the firstborn son represents.

               BEFORE YOU BEGIN, Read Hebrews Chapter 1 from your Bible...

                3.3 The Supremacy of Jesus as the Son of God

                           Chapter 1

                           CONTEXTUAL GUIDE OF CHAPTER ONE

                             A. The first paragraph is a poetic/hymnic presentation of Jesus' cosmic and redemptive
                           achievements. He is Lord of all creation and especially Lord of this planet. This is spelled out
               in seven descriptive phrases. It is one of the highest Christologies in the NT (cf. John 1:1-18; Phil. 2:6-11;
               and Col. 1:15-17).
                  1. The heir of the Father's creation (v. 2)
                  2. The agent of the Father's creation (v. 2)
                  3. Radiance of the Father's glory (v. 3)
                  4. Exact image of the Father's nature (v. 3)
                  5. The sustainer of the Father's creation (v. 3)
                  6. The means of forgiveness of the Father's creation (v. 3)
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