Page 29 - Hebrews- Student Textbook
P. 29
"the word spoken through angels" This is referring to the Mosaic Law. The Jews believed that angels
acted as mediators between YHWH and Moses on Mt. Sinai (cf. Exod.3:2; 14:19; 23:20-23; 32:34; 33:2;
Ps. 68:17; Acts 7:38,53; Gal. 3:19).
NASB "proved unalterable"
NKJV "proved steadfast"
NRSV "was
TEV "was shown to be true"
NJB "proved to be so reliable"
God is faithful to His word, both blessings and/or cursings (cf. Deut. 27-28).
"every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty, how will we escape, if we neglect so
great a salvation" The term "neglect" (ameleō) means "to pay no attention to" or "to be unconcerned
about" something or someone. It is used in the New Testament for:
1. An admonition for Timothy not to neglect his spiritual gift (cf. 1 Tim. 4:14)
2. An affirmation of YHWH's lack of attention to Israel because they violated His covenant (cf. Heb.
This is the major point of the argument that if the Mosaic Covenant had such tremendous consequences
for its neglect then how much more severe the consequences for neglecting the new and better
Covenant brought by Jesus (the Son). The consequences of knowingly neglecting a message are related
to the majesty of the One who brings the message (i.e., parables of royal wedding, cf. Matt. 22:2-14).
The interpretive question then becomes, is this referring to:
1. A rejecting of the new covenant (the gospel)?
2. A neglecting of the new covenant?
The contemporary usage of the term implies #2. Some commentators would add the use of "we" as an
evidence of the author identifying with a believing group, but in 10:26 the author uses this same
pronoun (FIRST PERSON PLURAL) in addressing the unbelieving group. These recipients were not rejecting
the gospel, but minimizing its influence in their lives.
4.4 Let’s Practice…
1. Explain why Jesus tasted death for everyone (2:9)?
2. In what ways did Jesus demonstrate to all that he was fully human (2:11–13)?
3. Jesus came to destroy (2:14). What did He come to destroy?