Page 131 - Isaiah Student Worktext
P. 131
Daniel interceded for his people, and asked God to forgive them. Nehemiah did the same. Jesus of
course is our best example. He prayed that God would forgive even those who drove the nails, because
they didn’t know what they were doing.
As Christians, we too should pray that God would lead sinners to Himself, that God would convict
sinners of their sins.
Chapter 64 V. 1-2 The intercessor continues, asking God to split the heavens
and come down, make the mountains shake. Just as fire purges and cleanses,
God make Yourself known to Your adversaries.
In the original Hebrew, I am told, this is past tense. ‘If You had done this, Lord,
this wouldn’t have happened’. We can be guilty of praying prayers like this.
This prayer was answered in Christ. When He was baptized, the heavens were torn open Mark 1: 10.
The difference is that once the heavens were parted, instead of sending down wrath, God sent a dove.
The heavens were also torn open when Stephen was martyred. Acts 7: 56-60
V. 3-5 So many of God’s blessings are unexpected. We as intercessory people of prayer should pray that
God would rip the heavens open and come down in the power of the Holy Spirit to do more saving
V. 6-7 The problem with any intercessory prayer is that the one praying is flawed, a sinner. Our
righteousness is like filthy rags…which is translated as the worst kind of filth we can imagine. We cannot
approach the throne of mercy and grace when we ourselves are filthy.
Our first obligation in our prayers is to confess and repent.
Someone asked me once why I usually conclude a prayer with ‘in Jesus’ name and for His sake’. Because
only in His name can prayers be answered…
V. 8-12 This recalls Jeremiah 18: 2¸ when the prophet was instructed to go to the potter’s house and
observe. We are like clay in the hands of the potter, which is God. We are the work of His hands.
Then, the intercessor asks God to exercise a little selective memory. Don’t remember our sins.
Remember when our fathers praised You in the holy temple. Remember when You intervened on our
behalf before, but forget about the times that we’ve failed You. Remember that we are Your chosen
children, but forget the iniquities that have brought about this judgment.