Page 25 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 25

Study Section 4:  I Timothy 2 – A Call to Prayer

                 4.1 Connect

                         Have you every though of why Jesus Christ established the church?   He told Peter that the
                         gates of Hell could not prevail against it.  With that promise, evidently Jesus felt the church
                         was extremely important in the future to establish faith on the earth.

                         There are many types of churches today.  Some people think of a church as a gothic building
                with high arches and stain glass windows.  People go there on Sundays to feel awe and reverence for
                God.  Other churches have brought in the rock band instruments and colored lights and have endorsed
                the “contemporary” service.  They have rejected the formality of a high church service.  They
                emphasize becoming all things to all men to win some to Christ.  And then there are churches that are
                a range in between those extremes.  So what is your church service like?

                The church, we know, is to share the Gospel with the lost.  But the church is PEOPLE, not a building.
                The people in the church are to be witnesses to all of their acquaintances.  Some churches think that
                they need to make the church service more relevant to the world…to attract lost people to the church
                so that they can hear the Gospel.  These churches tend to mold their services to entertain and entice
                lost people to come.  Some churches have huge “Broadway” productions to draw people to the

                Is this what God desires in the church?  Today, Paul will share with us what a true church ministry
                should emphasize.  Let’s learn together.

                 4.2 Objectives

                        1.  The student should be able to describe how the Bible came to us and why it is infallible and

                        2.  The student should be able to explain why and what standards the church must operate

                3.  The student should be able to explain why worship and prayer are the primary purposes of the

                 4.3 A Call to Prayer

                       1 Timothy 2.

                       This precious book that we hold in our hands is the inerrant, infallible and inspired Word of

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