Page 40 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 40

Study Section 6:  I Timothy 3 – Leadership in the Church

                 6.1 Connect

                            Here are some interesting statistics about pastors in the church in the US:

                            •  80% believe pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families. Many pastor's
                            children do not attend church now because of what the church has done to their parents.
                            •  65% of pastors feel their family lives in a "glass house" and fear they are not good
                       enough to meet expectations.
                    •  66% of church members expect a minister and family to live at a higher moral standard than
                    •  90% of pastors report the ministry was completely different than what they thought it would
                       be like before they entered the ministry.
                    •  95% of pastors report not praying daily or regularly with their spouse.
                    •  75% of pastors report significant stress-related crisis at least once in their ministry.
                    •  80% of pastors and 84% of their spouses have felt unqualified and discouraged as role of
                       pastors at least one or more times in their ministry.
                    •  54% of pastors find the role of a pastor overwhelming.
                    •  80% of pastors expect conflict within their church.
                    •  70% of pastors do not have someone they consider to be a close friend.
                    •  The average tenure of a pastor at a church is between three and four years!

                It’s a difficult position being a pastor and even more so if the pastor is not qualified for the position.
                That’s why Paul took so much time informing both Timothy and Titus the qualifications of becoming a
                pastor.  Today we are going to look at those qualifications…

                 6.2 Objectives

                        1.  The student should be able to describe the various qualities of a pastor and deacon which
                        are given in both I Timothy and in Titus.

                        2.  The student should be able to differentiate between a qualification and a quality.

                 6.3 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

                         Since these two chapters are very similar, we will look at both of them at the same time.

                         1 Timothy 3:1-13.

                         The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble
                task.  Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife sober-minded, self-
                controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,  not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not
                quarrelsome, not a lover of money.  He must manage his own household well, with all
                dignity keeping his children submissive,  for if someone does not know how to manage his own
                household, how will he care for God's church?  He must not be a recent convert, or he may become
                puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil.  Moreover, he must be well
                thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.
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