Page 43 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 43

qualities, which comes from early extra-biblical sources, all of the above was based on the New

                That fictional, but biblically based, letter from Paul should show us the importance of understanding
                the biblical qualifications for a leader in the local church.  Human wisdom and worldly standards are
                not enough; we must know what the New Testament requires in an elder.

                The things listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 are not mere guidelines – they are qualities that must be
                evident in the life of every elder and deacon for that person to serve in leadership.

                In 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Paul gives us a picture of what an elder looks like. Paul tells us that … elders must
                be spiritually mature men.

                And in the following verses Paul gives us sixteen qualities to look for - so that we have no doubts as to
                whether a person is qualified.
                Three Things to consider when qualifying a elder…
                First of all, most of these qualities are listed elsewhere in the Bible for every Christian, including
                women. So, we all should be seeking to grow in these areas.

                Second, spiritual maturity takes time, effort, and discipline. There are no shortcuts. We live in a day
                when we’re used to instant everything. In America, we have instant pudding, instant oatmeal,
                microwave popcorn, etc.  We want everything and we want it right away.
                But there is no such thing as instant godliness. The crucial question is, how are we currently involved
                in the process of becoming more godly or more holy?
                Third, no one is perfectly qualified to be a church leader. These qualities, for the most part, are not the
                kind of thing where we can say, “No doubt about it – I am qualified.”  There is always going to be room
                for spiritual growth in all of our lives. If we require perfection, no one would qualify as an elder. But at
                the same time, an elder should not be in obvious violation of any qualification. If he is weak in any
                area, he should be aware of it and should be working on that area.

                Every elder ought to have both a sense of inadequacy in himself - but also a sense that God has called
                him to serve in this important and needed ministry.

                 Let’s look at the list of qualities that Paul gives us and I will give a brief summary of what each
                quality means.  We may not look at each quality, but we will look at most of them.  The two lists (1
                Timothy 3 and Titus 1) are very similar. I do not know why they are not identical, and I have not read
                anyone who answers that question. The lists are probably not meant to be exhaustive. The significant
                thing about both lists is that except for the ability to teach God’s Word, both lists focus exclusively on
                godly character, not on spiritual gifts or other abilities.

                [1] 1 Timothy 3:2. Above reproach.  Titus 1:6. Blameless.
                The Greek word has the idea of not having anything in our life that Satan could accuse us of.  [In other
                words, an elder must not be living a double life. In his home life, personal life, and business life, he is
                living in obedience to God’s Word.]  An elder doesn’t live one way on Sunday morning and a different
                way the rest of the week.  When he sins, he asks forgiveness from both God and others.  He is a man
                of integrity.
                       Ephesians 5:3. But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of
                       any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.
                [2] 1 Timothy 3:2. Husband of one wife.  Titus 1:6. Faithful to his wife.

                I have heard it argued and/or discussed that this means (1) an elder must be married and (2) he can
                never have been divorced (either before or after conversation).  But that is not what this means.  It

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