Page 46 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 46
6.4 Let’s Practice…
1. Paul in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1 list the qualifications for being an elder or deacon in a
church. What is a better word for the listings rather than “qualifications?”
2. True or False Before someone is asked to serve as a leader in their church – every
aspect of their life should be examined to see if they are qualified to serve.
3-5. List the three considerations that every church member should consider when selecting an elder
for their church:
6. What does it mean to be “above reproach?”
7. What does it mean to be the “Husband of one wife?”
8. What does it mean to be “Self-controlled?”
9. What does it mean to be “Able to teach?”
6.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: If you are an elder in your church, what qualities do you possess from what we
have studied? What qualities would you like to improve on?
If you are NOT an elder, what qualities does your pastor possess from what we have studied? What
qualities would you like to see him improve?