Page 49 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 49

[14] 1 Timothy 3:4. He must manage his own family well.
                Titus 1:6. A man whose children believe and are not wild and disobedient.

                This includes all aspects of a man’s family life - his relationship with his wife, their finances, etc. But
                especially Paul singles out having his children in submission. Paul does not mean that an elder’s small
                children should never disobey or that they must always be perfect little examples. There are no
                children (except Jesus) born without sin natures.
                Paul simply means that an elder’s family life should be a model for the rest of the church.  If a man’s
                children are rebellious and/or spoiled little brats who reject the Lord, don’t increase his area of
                responsibility to the entire church. The same weaknesses that made him a poor father will make him a
                poor church leader. If his own children disrespect him, he will not have the respect he needs to
                shepherd the church.
                This verse demands that I and the other elders have an urgency that comes before ministry to the
                church – it is ministry to our families. It is a tragedy for a man to be so involved in church work that he
                neglects his family, with the result that his children grow up to hate the church and the Lord because
                of it.

                       Ephesians 6:4. Fathers, do not exasperate (frustrate, aggravate) your children; instead,
                       bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

                [15] 1 Timothy 3:6. Not a recent convert.

                Obviously, a new convert could not have had the time to develop these qualities. It takes time to
                obtain a thorough grasp of the Scriptures. This is a common mistake in our day – especially if the new
                convert is well known in the community or if he is a business leader.  Paul says, “Don’t do it!”
                Part of Christian growth involves God’s humbling us through trials. A recent convert hasn’t yet learned
                that lesson.

                               How could Timothy identify men who were not recent converts when the church is
                               Ephesus was so new?

                               Ephesians 4:13-15.  Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge
                               of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the
                               fullness of Christ.

                       14  Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown
                       here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people
                       in their deceitful scheming.  Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to
                       become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

                [16] 11 Timothy 3:7. A good reputation with outsiders.

                He should be recognized in the community as a man of moral character and proper conduct. His
                business dealings should be honest and right. This should be true of all Christians, but especially of
                leaders. People outside the church should not be able to bring the charge of “hypocrite” against a
                church leader.
                He should have a good reputation with people outside of the church.

                Question: Does your church interview neighbors or co-workers of men design to be elders to make
                sure they have a good testimony with people outside the church?

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