Page 2 - Pneumatology - Student Textbook
P. 2
Study Section 1: Introduction to Pneumatology ................................................................................. 2
Study Section 2: The Holy Spirit is a Person ........................................................................................ 8
Study Section 3: The Holy Spirit is involved in Trinitarian activities ................................................. 13
Study Section 4: The role of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament ................................................... 17
Study Section 5: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today ......................................................................... 22
Study Section 6: The Seal of the Holy Spirit ...................................................................................... 27
Study Section 7: The Holy Spirit’s Work in the World Today ............................................................. 34
Study Section 8: The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment .......... 39
Study Section 9: Praying in the Spirit ................................................................................................ 45
Study Section 10: What are Your Spiritual Gifts? ............................................................................... 50
Study Section 11: The Miraculous Gifts of Tongues, Healings, and Miracles .................................... 56
Study Section 12: The Charismatic Movement ................................................................................. 62
Study Section 13: Speaking in Tongues and Baptism by the Holy Spirit ........................................... 68
Study Section 14: The Future Work of the Holy Spirit ...................................................................... 74