Page 3 - Pneumatology - Student Textbook
P. 3

                                                 Compiled by Dr. Kris Bjorgen

              (Thanks to Rev. Lawrence Chibuye, MA, for his work on a previous course taught at AIU on Pneumatology.  Some of his
                                              work has been included in this course).

                                         Study Section 1:  Introduction to Pneumatology

               1.1 Connect

                        Every believer has the Holy Spirit indwelling in him/her.  That is an amazing thought.  It is mind
                        boggling to know that God has taken up residence in our bodies.  Yet He is patient and waiting
                        for each one of us to grant Him control of our lives, so He can do the astounding things that only
                        God can do with us.  Yet, many believers resist Him and live a life devoid of God’s power.  They
                        don’t seem to be much different than others in the world that are lost.

              I’m sure you want your life to count for God!  So, let’s study the subject of the Holy Spirit.  Let’s find out
              who He is and what He does and potentially what He can do if we yield our lives to Him.  Let’s dive in….

               1.2 Objectives

                     1.  The student should be able to demonstrate that the Holy Spirit is God using the Scriptures to
                     validate His ideas.

                     2.  The student should be able to argue that the Holy Spirit is God because He possess the attributes
                     of God.

              3.  The student should be able to argue that the Holy Spirit is God because He performs the works of God.

               1.3 Introduction

                        The word Pneumatology comes from two Greek words which mean "wind, air, spirit" and
                        "word" - combining to mean "the study of the Holy Spirit." Pneumatology is the study of God
                        the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. It answers numerous important questions about
                        the Holy Spirit:

                        Who is the Holy Spirit?  What does the Bible say about the identity of the Holy Spirit? When and
              how do we receive the Holy Spirit?  What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?  How can I be filled with the
              Are the miraculous gifts of the Spirit for today?  And on and on…..

              Actually, there are dozens of questions we have to be prepared to answer
              concerning the person and work of the Holy Spirit.  As we see the rise of the
              Charismatic movement whose emphasis is the manifestations and works of
              the Holy Spirit, we must be able to give Biblical answers to the many errant
              doctrines flying around today.  This course will cover an intensive study of

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