Page 55 - Pneumatology - Student Textbook
P. 55

of God's leading, and the others “glorified God, saying, ‘Then to the Gentiles also God has granted
              repentance that leads to life’” (Acts 11:18).

              In every instance, the sign gifts were a confirmation of God's message and messenger, in order that people
              might hear and believe. Once the message was confirmed, the signs faded away.  Basically, when the canon
              of Scripture was completed, there was no longer a need to affirm the authors.  God had completed His
              revelation to man.   Now we don't need those signs to be repeated in our lives, but we do need to receive
              the same gospel message (

              It is interesting that when you study the history of the church and the writings of the early church
              apologists, that the “gift of tongues” is not mentioned or practiced in the church.  It seemed to have faded
              away of itself.  It was not until almost 1900 years later that the use of tongues in the church reappeared.   I

              Corinthians 13:8 says,Love never fails: but whether there be prophecies, they shall be done away;
              whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall be done away.  The Greek
              word for cease could better be translated, “cease of itself.”  It simply means tongues will fade away all by
              themselves.  If this is so, then we must ask an important question coming in our next lesson.

              10.4 Let’s Practice…

                        1. List a couple ways you can tell what gift from the Holy Spirit was given to you when you
                        received Christ:

                        2.  Who chooses your gift?

              3.  What is the purpose for the Holy Spirit giving you a spiritual gift?

              4.  Can your spiritual gift be cultivated and improved?

              5.  What was the purpose for God giving the sign gifts both in the Old Testament and New?

              6.  Why do you suppose the sign gifts faded away by themselves?

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