Page 57 - Pneumatology - Student Textbook
P. 57

Study Section 11:  Are the miraculous gifts tongues, healings, and
                                                  miracles of the Spirit for today?

               11.1 Connect

                        Have you ever heard about the “flying house of
                        Mary?”  It is told that Mary, mother of Jesus, grew up
                        in a house in Nazareth.  The house was empty for
                        hundreds of years, but in the 13  century, some
                        angels decided to pick it up and fly it to a couple
                        locations, but finally flew it to a field in Italy.  It landed
              in the field of a lady whose name was Loreta, near the town of
              Recanati.  St. Peter put an alter in the house and a figure of Mary
              was carved by St. Luke.  Many miracles have been linked to the
              house.  Supposedly Pope Pius IX came to the house seven times
              and was healed of chronic fatigue, fever, and epileptic seizures.
              People come from all over the world to venerate the house and perhaps receiving healing by touching its
              walls or praying under its roof (pictured to the right is the chapel at the “Flying House of Mary” in Loretto,

              Is this for real?  Do you believe that angels actually picked up the house and flew it from Nazareth to Italy?
              Do you think that the healings that people testify occur there really do happen?

              Similar things are happening within many churches throughout the world.  People come up to the front and
              are slain in the Spirit, falling limp to the floor.  Others receive special water which will, when blessed by the
              pastor, provide a job or a miracle when drunk.  Is this a description of the workings of the Holy Spirit in the
              church today?  Let’s see if we can clear up some of these questions that are abundant today….

               11.2 Objectives

                       1.   The student should be capable to answering the question regarding whether the sign gifts are
                       for the church today.

                       2.   The student should be able to discuss the filioque controversy and give an orthodox position
              on it.

              3.  The student should be able to describe what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is and why it is the
              unpardonable sin.

               11.3 Are the miraculous gifts tongues, healings, and miracles of the Spirit for today?

                         First, it is important to recognize that this is not a question of whether God still performs
                         miracles today. It would be foolish and unbiblical to claim God does not heal people, speak to
                         people, and perform miraculous signs and wonders today. The question is whether the
                         miraculous gifts of the Spirit, described primarily in 1 Corinthians 12–14, are still active in the
                         church today. This is also not a question of can the Holy Spirit give someone a miraculous gift.
                         The question is whether the Holy Spirit still dispenses the miraculous gifts today. Above all else,
              we entirely recognize that the Holy Spirit is free to dispense gifts according to His will (1 Corinthians 12:7-

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