Page 65 - Pneumatology - Student Textbook
P. 65

Is being slain in the Spirit biblical?

                                                 Most commonly, being “slain in the Spirit” happens when a minister
                                                 lays hands on someone, and that person collapses to the floor,
                                                 supposedly overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit. Charismatics
                                                 who practice slaying in the Spirit use Bible passages that talk about
                                                 people becoming “as dead” (Revelation 1:17) or of falling upon their
                                                 face (Ezekiel 1:28; Daniel 8:17-18, 10:7-9). However, there are a
                                                 number of contrasts between this biblical falling on one's face and
                                                 the practice of being slain in the Spirit.

              1. The biblical falling down was a person's reaction to what he saw in a vision or an event beyond ordinary
              happenings, such as at the transfiguration of Christ (Matthew 17:6). In the unbiblical practice of being slain
              in the Spirit, the person responds to another’s touch or to the motion of the speaker's arm.

              2. The biblical instances were few and far between, and they occurred only rarely in the lives of a few
              people. In the slain in the Spirit phenomenon, falling down is a repeated event and an experience that
              happens to many.

              3. In the biblical instances, the people fall upon their face in awe at either what or whom they see. In the
              slain in the Spirit counterfeit, they fall backwards, either in response to the wave of the speaker's arm or as
              a result of a church leader's touch (or push in some cases).

              It is unfortunate that people look to such bizarre counterfeits that produce no spiritual fruit, rather than
              pursuing the practical fruit which the Spirit gives us for the purpose of glorifying Christ with our lives
              (Galatians 5:22-23).  Being filled with the Spirit is not evidenced by such counterfeits, but by a life that
              overflows with the Word of God in such a way that it spills over in praise, thanksgiving, and obedience to
              God (

              What is glossolalia or speaking in tongues?

              Glossolalia, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as “ecstatic utterances,” is the
              uttering of unintelligible, language-like sounds while in a state of ecstasy. Glossolalia
              is sometimes confused with xenoglossia, which is the biblical “gift of tongues.”
              However, whereas glossolalia is babbling in a nonexistent language, xenoglossia is the
              ability to speak fluently a language the speaker has never learned.

              Additionally, whereas xenoglossia is not an innate or natural ability, studies have shown that glossolalia is a
              learned behavior. Research conducted by the Lutheran Medical Center demonstrates that glossolalia is
              readily learned by following simple instructions. Correspondingly, it was found that students could exhibit
              “speaking in tongues” in the absence of any indications of trance-like stupor or behaviors. Another test
              conducted with sixty students showed that after listening to a one-minute sample of glossolalia, 20 percent
              were able to imitate it precisely. After some training, 70 percent succeeded.

              In just about every part of the world, glossolalia can be observed. Pagan religions all over the world are
              obsessed with speaking in tongues. These include the Shamans in the Sudan, the Shango cult of the West
              Coast of Africa, the Zor cult of Ethiopia, the Voodoo cult in Haiti, and the Aborigines of South America and

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