Page 68 - Pneumatology - Student Textbook
P. 68

3.  “If my experience is a validation of truth, then my experience validates itself.”  What implication does
              this have in knowing the truth of Scripture?

              4.  What is the greatest danger in the movement that influences the way a charismatic theologian
              interprets Scripture?

              5.  Is “slaying in the Spirit” a Biblical practice?  Why or why not?

              6.  How is glossolalia different than xenoglossia in the New Testament?

              7.  What were the characteristics of speaking in tongues in the early church?  How do they differ from the
              modern tongues movement?

              8.  Why was speaking in tongues important in the early church?

              9.  What verse in the Bible tells us that the gift of tongues will cease of itself?

              12.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                         Activity:  What are the differences between speaking in tongues in the Bible and the tongues
                         movement today?

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