Page 35 - Homiletics Student Textbook
P. 35
Great sermon outlines are derived from great texts of Scripture. Simply put, the three-step process of
moving from the text to the sermon requires that the preacher discover what the author was saying to
the people of his day, what principle is then true for all people of all time, and how that principle applies
to people today.
During this session we will illustrate with examples how the three-step process of moving from the text
to the sermon works. We will examine two texts, II Timothy 3:14-17 and Hebrews 10:19-25.
Exegetical Outline of II Timothy 3:14-17
Paul is writing to Timothy regarding what he would eventually encounter during his ministry.
He would be ministering in a time where people would disregard the truth in favor of their
own selfish desires (cf.3:1-13). Paul was communicating the need for Timothy to remain loyal
to the truth.
Why Timothy should remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word…
I. Paul commanded Timothy to remain loyal because of the faithful people that had taught
the life-changing truth. (14-15)
A. He called Timothy to remember those that had taught him. (14)
B. He called Timothy to remember the power of what they taught him. (15)
II. Paul reminded Timothy to remain loyal because of the nature of the life-changing
truth he had been taught. (16-17)
A. He had been taught the very words of God Himself. (16a)
B. He had been taught that which would make him capable for effective service.
1. It was profitable for doctrine.
2. It was profitable for reproof.
3. It was profitable for correction.
4. It was profitable for instruction in righteousness.
…Because of the faithful people that had taught it to him.
…Because of the unique nature of that which he had been taught.
Exegetical Proposition:
Timothy needed to remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word because of the faithful people
that had taught it to him and because of the unique nature of that which he had been