Page 4 - Homiletics Student Textbook
P. 4
A lecture is a discourse given before an audience or class especially for instruction or a
formal reproof. In this setting there is a person communicating information and a group of
people receiving it.
B. It takes place in a public setting.
While the public setting may be formal or informal, the group present becomes the audience.
II. A sermon is an oral address to the popular mind…
A. This means that communication is taking place.
For communication to take place, an intended message must be sent by a messenger and
received by the recipient as it was intended by the messenger.
B. Thoughts and ideas are being placed in the minds of the hearers.
Ideally, these thoughts and ideas are clearly understood by those hearing what is being
III. A sermon is an oral address to the popular mind upon religious truth…
A. It speaks about the person and work of the Lord God Almighty.
A sermon can be about many things; however, for our purposes, we are limiting it to this
B. It addresses the nature of man’s relationship to Him.
Believing that God created and owns everything, we are, therefore, accountable to Him.
IV. A sermon is an oral address to the popular mind upon religious truth contained in the
A. A sermon is about the thoughts and ideas of God.
There is only one ultimate source of truth and that is the Creator Himself. The best way to
learn about the person and work of the Lord God Almighty and the nature of man’s
relationship to Him is to hear what He Himself has said.
B. This eliminates the thoughts and ideas of men.
God’s authority always has trumped man’s authority and always will.
V. A sermon is an oral address to the popular mind upon religious truth contained in the Scriptures
and elaborately treated…
A. It has structure.