Page 9 - Homiletics Student Textbook
P. 9
Study Section 2: The Importance of Expository Preaching
2.1 Connect
There are two major approaches to preaching and preparing sermons. Some pastors preach
based on a selection of various topics. For example, a pastor might sense that his
congregation needs to know about obedience when it comes to money management. So, he
may prepare a series of sermons on giving, finding passages and verses throughout the
entirety of Scripture that deal with the subject. Normally he would organize the verses that
have similar concepts into various sermons. There are many pastors who approach the
preaching of God’s Word in this manner.
A second approach to preaching is to consider a book in the Bible and preach through the book in verse
by verse order. The topics are those that are found in the flow of the text. Normally, the preacher will
incorporate background and cultural information, who wrote the book, to whom it was addresses, the
reason for the author writing the book, and then begin with verse one of chapter one. Normally he will
explain any difficult concepts using a commentary approach and quite often refer to the meanings of
words from the original languages. His goal is to accurately exegete (determine God’s meaning) the
passage and present God’s ideas to his congregation.
So, which one is preferred? Let’s see if we can determine that from God’s Word….
2.2 Objectives
1. The student should be able to state several reasons in favor of expository preaching.
2. The student should be able to explain several advantages of full-counsel preaching over
topical approaches.
2.3 The Importance of Expository Preaching
The goal of this section is to explore the reasons in favor of expository preaching. This
includes the agreement with Biblical examples, authority from the Lord and the advantages of
full-counsel preaching.
I. Agreement with Biblical Examples
With the Old Testament as their text, New Testament preachers expounded God’s Word in such
a way that their contemporary audience could better understand and apply the ancient
A. Jesus expounded Isaiah 61:1-2 in Luke 4:16-30.
B. Peter expounded Joel 2:28-32 in Acts 2:14-41.
C. Phillip expounded Isaiah 53:7-8 in Acts 8:27-35.