Page 29 - Pentateuch - Student Textbook
P. 29

4.4  Let’s Practice…

                       1. Explain the gospel in the promise to Abraham, “All peoples on earth will be blessed through

                       2. Who spoke to Abraham about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?

               3.  Is faith in a God who keeps his promises enough to be saved and one day enter heaven? Explain.

               4. Who was Melchizedek?

               5. How did Melchizedek learn about “God Most High?”

               6. What did Abraham learn about God through God’s command to kill Isaac?

               7. When did Abraham learn that the LORD is the Sovereign Lord?

               8. How did Abraham learn that the LORD is the Eternal God?

               9. (Review Question) What is the difference between the name “Elohim” and “Yahweh?”

               10. What four NT verses speak about Abraham’s faith?

               4.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                       How has your understanding of God grown through your life experiences? In what ways have
                       you observed other people learning about different aspects of God’s character at different
                       times in life? What characteristics of God must be known before a person might genuinely say,
                       “I know God”? Even though Abraham did not know Jesus, was he saved by belief in a coming
               Messiah/Savior? How might these lessons strengthen your resolve to preach Christ? How have people in
               your culture been prepared for hearing the gospel?

               Every person on earth has a concept of a personal, all-powerful Creator (Psalm 19; Romans 1:18-23).
               Everyone has a sense of right and wrong, anticipating a day of judgment before this Creator. Everyone
               has an expectation of a personal Creator’s desire to have continued communication with his creation.
               Everyone seeks to somehow become acceptable in the sight of the Creator. These universal bits-and-
               pieces of theology drive every culture to formulate spiritual plans and customs, unless the gospel has
               reached the culture with the real plan to become acceptable to God.

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