Page 55 - Pentateuch - Student Textbook
P. 55
6.) Cases involving justice and neighborliness (23:1-9). A nation can only be strong if its
citizens tell the truth, especially when its laws are applied. A false witness in a court of law
weakens everyone. Wealth, bribes, or the closeness of a relationship should not enter into
consideration. One cannot close one’s eyes even when an enemy is in need of help.
7.) Laws on sacred seasons (23:10-19). Much is written elsewhere about the Sabbath
and the need for rest. Here we simply note the perspective of service to God. The land is his.
People are his. They are to approach him in certain prescribed ways, rejecting the practices of
other nations such as cooking “a young goat in its mother’s milk (23:19).”
7.4 Let’s Practice…
1. One of God’s first tests of obedience in the wilderness was the simple matter of
gathering manna on the
2. How many Israelites left Egypt and needed food and water in the wilderness?
3. What was Israel’s response to God’s appearance on Mount Sinai?
4. What are the three principles Israel learned in preparing Israel for a relationship with him?
5. When the blood of the covenant was splashed on the people, they said,
6. What was the maximum time a “slave” might have to pay his debt?
7. How do people without God’s written law understand right from wrong?
8. If a pregnant woman is struck and her child dies, what is the penalty?
9. How is property theft made right?
10. How much interest could be charged in loaning personal funds?