Page 122 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 122

After you have finished your 3rd examination and turned in your paper, you are
                                                finished with this course

               You might be thinking about the next course you are going to take.  Here is a list of the
               courses available.  The courses marked with an asterisks are recommended for
               students who are currently in high school and planning to transfer courses into a
               college of choice.

               *Acts                                                     (3 credits) 143 pages
               *Apologetics and World Views – How to defend your faith    (2 credits) 101 pages
               Basic English                                             (2 credits) 108 pages
               Biblical Counseling I                                     (2 credits) 76 pages
               Biblical Counseling II                                    (3 credits) 143 pages
               *Bible Doctrine Survey I                                  (2 credits) 97 pages
               *Biblical Theology – Bible Doctrine Survey II             (3 credits) 144 pages
               *Bible Geography and Near East Studies                    (2 credits) 106 pages
               *Bible Study Methods                                      (2 credits) 82 pages
               *Biblical Backgrounds                                     (3 credits) 139 pages
               *Bibliology                                               (2 credits) 103 pages
               *Biblical Ethics                                          (2 credits) 82 pages
               Christ and Culture                                        (2 credits) 94 pages
               *Christology                                              (2 credits) 74 pages
               Computer Basics – Research                                (2 Credits) 112 pages
               *Creationism                                              (2 credits) 94 pages
               Creating Audio-Visual Presentations                       (2 credits) 100 pages
               *Cults and Marginal Groups                                (3 credits) 124 pages
               English Composition and Grammar                           (2 credits) 80 pages
               *Eschatology                                              (3 credits) 139 pages
               Family Life                                               (2 credits) 107 pages
               *General Epistles                                         (2 credits) 86 pages
               *Gospel of John                                           (3 credits) 114 pages
               *Hebrews                                                  (2 Credits) 97 pages
               Hermeneutics                                              (3 credits) 147 pages
               *Heroes of the Faith                                      (2 credits) 105 pages
               *History of Christianity I – Early Church to the Middle Ages     (2 credits) 69 pages
               *History of Christianity II – Reformation to the Present      (2 credits) 82 pages
               Homiletics – The Art of Preaching                         (2 Credits) 101 pages
               Isaiah                                                    (3 credits) 135 pages
               Life of Christ – Harmony of the Gospels                   (2 credits) 95 pages
               Managing your Resources God’s Way                         (2 credits) 101 pages
               Minor Prophets                                            (2 credits) 83 pages
               *New Testament Survey                                     (3 credits)
               *Old Testament Survey                                     (3 Credits) 107 pages
               Pastoral Epistles                                         (2 credits) 91 pages
               Pastoral Ministries                                       (2 credits) 113 pages
               *Pauline Epistles I                                       (3 Credits)
               *Pauline Epistles II                                      (2 Credits) 64 pages
               *Pentateuch                                               (3 credits) 145 pages
               *Personal Spiritual Life                                  (2 Credits) 96 pages

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