Page 20 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 20

Chapter 4 shows the results sin revealed through the death of Abel. Cain’s bloodline died during the
               flood and God preserved a faithful bloodline of Seth who also the great grandfather of Noah. The flood
               was a result of man’s sinfulness and God’s anger against ungodliness. The flood shows that God is just
               and will not let unrighteousness continue without being punishment. Noah found favor in the eyes of
               God because of faith in God. He was saved because he believed what God had commanded him to do
               with the Ark. The Ark is symbolic of Christ. God was recreating the earth during the flood.

               Yes! God was recreating the earth during the flood but there was one major problem. The people who
               went in the Ark were still sinful. This is why after the global flood, man still continued in sinful ways as
               evidenced by the Tower of Babel.

               When God created mankind he wanted them to fill the earth. But due to sin mankind decided to build a
               high tower of Babel and remain in one place. This rebellion was led under the leadership of Nimrod. God
               judged the people by confusing their single languages into many languages and scattered them all over
               the earth. As earlier mentioned in the preamble that the book of Genesis is a book of origin—this could
               be the origin of Languages.

                                   Noah’s Ark and the Flood with Dr. Georgia Purdom

               Chapters 12-50 focus on four key characters; - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.

               When God destroyed the earth with a flood he made a covenant with Noah (check Noahic Covenant in
               the introduction). This time God was going to make another covenant with a man named Abraham.
               NOTE; Covenants were a way God related with mankind. Also, a covenant was something that people
               in the middle-eastern culture understood well. It was way making an agreement under oath. God made
               a three part promise to Abraham; -
                     To make him a great man and bless him
                     Create a great nation out of him (these words sound very ironic in the instance when they are
                       spoken because Abraham and his wife were past bearing age) and give them a land (Canaan)
                     Bring blessing to all peoples through his descendants.

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