Page 25 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 25

Chapters 12-18 focus on God miraculous deliverance of the Israelites.

               God had brought great judgments on Egypt but Pharaoh’s heart could not be moved. One last judgment
               remained that would eventually move the heart of Pharaoh and let God’s people. Chapter 12 shows us
               the reason for the Passover. God gave careful instructions to the Israelites about Passover ram and its
               blood. The unblemished animal’s blood was put on the door post of all the houses of the Israelites. The
               death Angel was going to pass through that night, and every house that did not have blood on the Lintel
               of the house would lose a first born. The Passover is a picture of Christ death in the New Testament.
               Through his blood, all men who put their faith in him will not perish but have everlasting life. There
               wailing in Egypt that night including the house Pharaoh because the death angel killed every first born of
               the house of Egyptians. Pharaoh’s son died and Pharaoh was now willing to let the Israelites go. The
               Israelites left Egypt with great wealth indeed.

               Even after letting them go, Pharaoh decided to pursue them again with his horsemen and chariots. The
               Israelites miraculously crossed the Red Sea on dry when Egyptian where in pursuit. The Israelites saw
               God’s great hand of salvation. God also led the Israelites by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire in the
               night. God provided manna and quail in the wilderness but the people started grumbling and
               complaining and even wished that they would go back to Egypt.

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