Page 30 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 30

Chapter 26 is a restating of God’s covenant to his people. God promised his people rewards for their
               obedience-fertile, harvest, peace and security, military success, sexual fertility and God’s presence.
               Disobedience would bring diseases, destruction, drought, beasts, sword, pestilence, famine and exile
               (14-39). God did promise that if they in exile, God would forgive them and not abandon them but
               remember his covenant with Abram, renew his relationship with them. (40-27)
               Chapter 27 discusses vows and gifts. God provided a monetary value for redemption- people, animals,
               possessions, yet also prohibiting vows involving things already devoted to God. Vows were a way for
               Israelites to worship God by offering themselves to God.

                                   The Book of Leviticus

               4.4 Let’s Practice…

                             1.  What does the Passover signify?

                             2.   What is the significance of Tabernacle?
                             3-7.  List of the five major sacrifices that were offered by the Israelites and the reason or
                             occasion for them?
               8.  The following special days are celebrated by the Jews, write out what they commemorate?
                       a.  Passover
                       b.  Pentecost
                       c.  Day of atonement
                       d.  Feast of Tabernacles

               4.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…
                      I’m sure your family gets together during some holidays.  Perhaps you gather for a big meal and
                      a time of fellowship.  It is really a special time when we gather as families to celebrate the
                      blessings of God on us.  In a sense, the various special days that God created for Jews to gather
                      as a family and worship Him were very similar to your holidays.  The major difference is that
                      each of their holidays were designed to remember something that God had done.  List some of
               your family holidays.  What act of God could you remember within each of your holidays?

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