Page 27 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 27

The Book of Exodus Pt 1

                                   The Book of Exodus Pt 2

                                               Leviticus is the third book of the five books of the law. Moses again
                                               stands as the primary author of Leviticus.  Leviticus has 27 chapters
                                               and two main divisions. Chapters 1-10 focus on the sacrificial
                                               worship of God. Chapters 11-27 focus on living a set apart life before
                                               God. Hill and Walton commented on the purpose of Leviticus saying,
                                               “ The purpose of Leviticus is to provide a manual or Hebrew
               handbook on holiness designed to instruct the Hebrew community in holy worship and holy living so
               that they might imitate God’s holiness and enjoy the presence and blessing of God.”

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