Page 28 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 28

Chapters 1-10 focus on the sacrifices as way of worshiping God.

               Below is chart showing a list of the five major sacrifices that were offered by the Israelites.

                                              THE SACRIFICE SYSTEM (LEVITICUS)
               Name             Portion Burnt   Other        Animals        Reason or occasion     reference
               Burnt offering   All            None          Meal without   Propitiation for general   Lev. 1
                                                             blemish, animal   sin, demonstrating
                                                             acccording to   dedication
               Meal offering or   Token portion   Eaten by   Unleavened     General thankfulness for   Lev. 2
               tribute offering                priest        cakes or grains,   first fruits
                                                             must be sorted
               Peace offering    Fat portions   Shared in    Male of female   Fellowship           Lev. 3
                       Thanks                  fellowship    without blemish   --For unexpected    22:18-30
                       offering                meals by      according to   blessing
                       Vow                     priest and    wealth, free   --For deliverance when a
                       offering                offers        will, slight   vow was made on that
                       Free will                             blemish allowed  condition
                       offering                                             --For general
               Sin offering     Fat portions   Eaten by      Priest or      Applies basically to   Lev. 4
                                               priest        congregation.   situation in which
                                                             Bull; King; he-  purification is needed
                                                             goat Individual
                                                             she goat.
               Guilt offering   Fat portions   Eaten by      Ram without    Applies to situation in   Lev. 5:1-67
                                               priest        blemish.       which there has been
                                                                            desecration or
                                                                            desacrilization of
                                                                            something holy of there
                                                                            has been  object guilt

               The first five chapters entirely focus on these five offerings. Of the five offerings, the Last two offerings
               were very significant to the Hebrews because they offered for sin, guilt and forgiveness. The apex of
               these offerings was offered on the Day of Atonement. A day that is great discussed in the New
               Testament in the book of Hebrews. The Day of Atonement is a picture of Christ’s death on the cross,
               which is the perfect sacrifice the offered his blood once for all. As a perfect high priest he did not enter
               the holy of holies with the blood of bulls and goats but with his precious blood.

               Sacrifices reminded the people about the penalty of sin what it takes to atone for the sins. Chapter 6-7
               detail the rules related to the various offerings.  Heb. 13:15-16, and Ro. 12:1, describe New Testament
               “Sacrifices” for Christians.  Chapter 8-9, the Aaronic priesthood is validated as the only recognized
               priesthood. It is interesting to note that both the priest and laymen needed cleansing and purification to
               stand before the Lord. This already reveals the sinfulness of man and the Holiness/righteousness of God.
               Chapter 10 narrates the death of Nadab and Abihu which served the as a demonstration of God’s
               seriousness in regards to sin.

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