Page 59 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 59

his wife and friends urge him to build gallows, ask for his hanging. (2) At the same time, as Xerxes can’t
               sleep, he is reminded of Mordecai’s heroic deed. When Haman arrives, king asks how to honor one- 7x.
               While Haman came to king to request Mordecai’s hanging, thinking he himself will be the honored one,
               king commands him honor Mordecai. (3) After honoring his enemy, Haman goes home in shame and
               mourning. His wife and friends foretell ruin. Esther’s 2nd Banquet (7) With warning in the air, officials
               arrive to bring Haman to the 2 nd banquet. When Xerxes repeats offer, Esther requests her life and
               reveals Haman’s plot to destroy, kill, annihilate her people- this wicked Haman! As Haman begs for his
               life, he appears to be assaulting Queen Esther. Informed of his plot against Mordecai- honor Xerxes
               orders that Haman be hanged on his own gallows. Mordecai’s Appeal (8) King gives his seal to Mordecai,
               in Haman’s place. They appeal to king to avert genocide. Since law cannot be revoked, 2nd law issued
               Jews can destroy, kill, annihilate those seeking their harm reversal, 3:13. The initial confusion at 1
               decree is turned to celebration at 2nd decree. Out of fear, many declared themselves Jews! Jews
               Victorious (9) On the very day that their enemies had hoped to gain mastery over them, reverse
               occurred: Jews gained mastery over their enemies, none could stand against them: sons of Haman
               killed, 800 are killed in Susa, and 75K in other provinces they took no plunder- 3x. Jews gather to
               celebrate the victory over their enemies.

               Chapter’s 9-10 focus on Mordecai’s exaltation. A national 2-day holiday, is instituted by Mordecai,
               Purim-lots, to remember days Jews got relief from their enemies why passive? Mordecai is honored, as
               2  in rank to Xerxes and great among the Jews!

                                   The Book of Esther

               8.4 Let’s Practice…
                       1.  What are the themes and main messages of the following books?
                           –  Ezra /Nehemiah
                           –  Esther?

                       2.  Which prophets ministered during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah?

               3.  Write out the three returns from the Babylon including the dates and names of the leaders who lead
               the deportations?

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