Page 60 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 60

4.  What do Post-exilic books demonstrate?

               5.  List out four things that the Jews returning from Exile to Jerusalem did?

               6.  When Jews who returned from Exile to Jerusalem laid the foundation of the temple, joy was mixed
               with tears. Why did they have these mixed feelings?

               7.  What was Nehemiah’s main task and why was it very significant?

               8.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…
                      Again, God does fulfil his promises. Before the Jews went into Exile, prophet Jeremiah
                      prophesied about the exile but that God would also restore them back to the Land. It was hard
                      to believe that they would ever go back to the land because the time was quite long. However,
                      God kept his word and brought them back to the land. Do you believe that God will do
                      everything has promised in his word?  If so, why?  What makes God’s promises different from
               human promises?

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